New in Town
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- Richardson, Texas
New poster referred here by one of your members. Quite a nice forum. I mean that both as in "attractive & interesting" and as in tone of the members. Life is too short to voluntarily share the company of abrasive cads.
My objective is to end with a business casual wardrobe significantly classier than I now maintain. I hope to educate myself over time and strike as the opportunity arises to add some class.
Engineering/Tech Firm
The dress code at my place of work is quite flexible. The tails of the bell curve are jeans/t-shirt/sneakers on the left and blazer/tie/slacks/button-down/dress shoes on the right. The only suits worn have been by folks interviewing for a job. The mean is cotton khaki pants, polo shirt, and some sort of non-polish leather shoes.
Socially, it provokes quite a stir to wear a jacket without the excuse of customer contact. The assumption is that the wearer is out interviewing for another job. I found this out one month when I decided that "casual Fridays had gone too far" and dressed up each Friday for four straight weeks. I had folks sidling up to me, asking me how the local job market was (wink, nudge) and if I could give them a POC to whomever I was interviewing.
My Current State
I conform to the mean (polo shirt/khaki pants/leather shoes) with the exception of my footwear & a ball cap. All my various shoes & boots are highly polished. An artifact of my father's influence and Uncle Sam's. I wear a ball cap for all the practical reasons wears a hat: keep the head hot/cold, protection from the sun. The ball cap is not worn indoors after I reach my desk.
After my aforementioned experience with dressing up, I have viewed my attire as a uniform. Every day consists of non-clashing polo & khakis.
I. Am. Bored. With. That.
I want to change to something more classy without causing a negative reaction. Now is a good time, since most my khakis* are reaching the end of their useful lives.
I don't want to be dressed in what is currently "in." I want something that is more timelessly classy.
Quality shoes & boots. Most times, my shoes/boots cost twice what my other clothes cost combined. I take care of them and wear them for years, resoling & performing other maintenance when needed
First Thoughts
My first thouht is to go with something similar to what Gary Cooper wears in some scenes in The Fountainhead & For Whom the Bell Tolls.
Substantial, ironed (but perhaps not starched?) collared work shirt. Pleated khakis or wool slacks. Fedora or Panama hat. Tie on days I expect no fiddling with machinery. Quality leather footgear with a polish. Workmanlike hankie on my person, if not displayed.
If you all have any ideas on classy wear, comments on my first thoughts, or suggestions as to vendors who carry classicly-cut pants & shirts, feel free to chime in. I am all ears.
[As a side note: I think it interesting that a movie scene depicting a man performing hard labor has the man dressed better than the majority of people at my company who mostly work in the cube farm.]
* Yep, when I found a style of khakis that fit, I bought one of every color & that set would last me a while and wear out as a set.
New poster referred here by one of your members. Quite a nice forum. I mean that both as in "attractive & interesting" and as in tone of the members. Life is too short to voluntarily share the company of abrasive cads.
My objective is to end with a business casual wardrobe significantly classier than I now maintain. I hope to educate myself over time and strike as the opportunity arises to add some class.
Engineering/Tech Firm
The dress code at my place of work is quite flexible. The tails of the bell curve are jeans/t-shirt/sneakers on the left and blazer/tie/slacks/button-down/dress shoes on the right. The only suits worn have been by folks interviewing for a job. The mean is cotton khaki pants, polo shirt, and some sort of non-polish leather shoes.
Socially, it provokes quite a stir to wear a jacket without the excuse of customer contact. The assumption is that the wearer is out interviewing for another job. I found this out one month when I decided that "casual Fridays had gone too far" and dressed up each Friday for four straight weeks. I had folks sidling up to me, asking me how the local job market was (wink, nudge) and if I could give them a POC to whomever I was interviewing.
My Current State
I conform to the mean (polo shirt/khaki pants/leather shoes) with the exception of my footwear & a ball cap. All my various shoes & boots are highly polished. An artifact of my father's influence and Uncle Sam's. I wear a ball cap for all the practical reasons wears a hat: keep the head hot/cold, protection from the sun. The ball cap is not worn indoors after I reach my desk.
After my aforementioned experience with dressing up, I have viewed my attire as a uniform. Every day consists of non-clashing polo & khakis.
I. Am. Bored. With. That.
I want to change to something more classy without causing a negative reaction. Now is a good time, since most my khakis* are reaching the end of their useful lives.
I don't want to be dressed in what is currently "in." I want something that is more timelessly classy.
Quality shoes & boots. Most times, my shoes/boots cost twice what my other clothes cost combined. I take care of them and wear them for years, resoling & performing other maintenance when needed
First Thoughts
My first thouht is to go with something similar to what Gary Cooper wears in some scenes in The Fountainhead & For Whom the Bell Tolls.
Substantial, ironed (but perhaps not starched?) collared work shirt. Pleated khakis or wool slacks. Fedora or Panama hat. Tie on days I expect no fiddling with machinery. Quality leather footgear with a polish. Workmanlike hankie on my person, if not displayed.
If you all have any ideas on classy wear, comments on my first thoughts, or suggestions as to vendors who carry classicly-cut pants & shirts, feel free to chime in. I am all ears.
[As a side note: I think it interesting that a movie scene depicting a man performing hard labor has the man dressed better than the majority of people at my company who mostly work in the cube farm.]
* Yep, when I found a style of khakis that fit, I bought one of every color & that set would last me a while and wear out as a set.