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Bill Kelso dark seal Liberty horse

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London, UK
Actually, if I was BK, I would make a simple business equation: If I offend and alienate people or I am associated with offensive statements, I lose potential customers. Therefore, I should attempt to, at the very least, distance myself from anything that would damage my brand. [huh]
Just because people have the right to freedom speech, doesn't mean they have the right to make offensive remarks without any come back.

Not to mention that the legal right to free expression does not hold good over a private business' space, which their fb page is.

Also never fails to amaze me how many people seem to think the right to say something means freedom from consequence or criticism.

To be fair, maybe they just fear that if they don't uphold "free speech", their jackets might shrink. :p Kidding....

'We do not practice neither censorship nor doctoring of opinion.'

'Anyone is allowed to have his opinion.'

'We believe in freedom of speech and the bearing of arms.'

'Speaking against this regime is not allowed.'

I don't know about you...but to me..that is damn FUNNY...lol

lol Agreed! Both this irony, and that they portray this as Schitzo's thing yet they themselves aleo used the same offensive terminology.

On the plus side, it's a nice reminder of howmuch more pleasant it is round here these days.
As sickening as the exchange on the FB is, I am more or less with BK on this one. The post should remain. I agree that BK should NOT have wasted their time replying and trying to justify and explain themselves in any way to the poster in question and yes, it is beyond pale, it is the lowest of the low, but I believe it's up to others to determine whether the post should remain as a monument to one persons utter stupidity that's bordering with plain wickedness or as a reflection of who and what we have become. If that's the kind of people buying from BK (and looking at the posts, Roscoe's not even the worst), that's how it is. Stu is constantly spewing similar crap himself, perhaps worded more neatly, and he's still doing business with plenty of happy, boar killing customers.

The most disturbing thing about any of this are the happy funeral photos in the Roscoe The-human's gallery. Nan must've really been a pain...


One Too Many
That really is beyond the pale, just horrible. If I was AC, I'd run a mile from being associated with that type of offensive language.

Remind me again which City you are from ............ or is that Glasgow, Kentucky, or Glasgow, Montana :)

I have no reason to answer any questions, especially after having so many accusations about my profit led agenda leveled at me. The thread is way beyond where is started. And very boring.

Why are you putting yourself in our shoes and tryig force a stance. It's really non of your business, literally. Please don't bring me into this. Or the shop. If you ever come by and I am there I will happily talk to you about anything. But not on here.

Well said Chambois ... next time I'm in town I'll make sure I pop in and say Hi ( might not buy anything though ... unless it's on sale :D ).

We're now into analysing Schitzo / Roscoes FB account details ..... hahahaha ( even when he's gone he's still pissing you guys off .... he'd absolutely LOVE that ) :D
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I'll Lock Up
Not so much analysing, as just confirming what the majority probably always thought.

On the plus side, it's a nice reminder of howmuch more pleasant it is round here these days.

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I'll Lock Up
So, a loss of profit on account of Schitzo? He's just the best sort of customer, isn't he. BK should look up a dictionary and find out what slander is as well...


One Too Many
Directly above the center of the Earth.
I can see it now: " Bill Kelso sues client base" rapidly Followed by "Bill Kelso closes down as customers stay away for fear of being sued"

Google search The Streisand Effect or another good one is Cooks Source Magazine for another customer backlash.


I'll Lock Up
I'm rapidly developing a sneaking respect for manly man LW's Stu's assiduous adherence to a 'no comment' stance. lol
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I'm rapidly developing a sneaking respect for manly man LW's Stu's assiduous adherence to a 'no comment' stance. lol


Not a bad idea when you don't have someone well versed in customer relations.

Having someone like that would go directly against the LW company philosophy. :D

Kidding, of course, as Stu is very well, poetically perhaps, versed.


One Too Many
Bucks County, PA
I'm rapidly developing a sneaking respect for manly man LW's Stu's assiduous adherence to a 'no comment' stance. lol

I both advise clients on their use of social media and have to advise the person who does the Facebook posts for the local Little League organization that I help run. Debating in a public forum just never turns out well, even for well intentioned businesses or organizations that have a high degree of savvy. It should be avoided at all costs.

We did have a bit of fun setting up the filters for our Little League page, which was an exercise in who could come up with more offensive words that should be automatically blocked.
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