I agree. A homogeneous community is undesirable. I enjoy the interesting and sometimes divergent contributions from certain members, both present and exiled. That said, respectful discourse is of paramount importance.
I wish Andy did not voluntarily exile himself. He is an incredibly knowledgeable guy and I wish he was still here sharing his immense knowledge with us (in a respectful manner), as opposed to speaking to TFL through his FB page.
... I GET that you don't like my posts ( or perhaps me HD ) that's fine.
What's your view on the BK hides ?
No need for expose HD .. your allegiances are well known and that's OK.... no persecution or mandatory disclosure just honesty.
lots of pics of a couple of liberty A-2's on the FB page and website Bunyip ...
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Give me Liberty or give me......... Err , a jacket.
You are personally blowing up the Bill Kelso Facebook page... I'm going to stop posting Andy's responses because they are becoming too voluminous. He does, however, touch on both sleeve width and Liberty Horse, so enjoy your reading.
The following exchange is currently on BK's FB page:
"Roscoe The-human: What better way is there to round up a bunch of faggots and sell them your product?"
Bill Kelso Mfg: It wouldn't work because our customers aren't faggots."
Now, BK is not only permitting Schitzo's offensive posts, but also incorporating the offensive language into its own posts.