I feel sorry for ya bra! You've probably seen Santa arrive by surfboard.
Oh yes, many times...
This guy is in front of the City Hall each season...

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I feel sorry for ya bra! You've probably seen Santa arrive by surfboard.
I was born and raised in Southern California, the land of paradise to some, but I hated the year long summers there [huh]
Even at Christmas? :eeek:
See, I always ask the people who have moved to my neck of the woods from California, or down south what the heck compelled them to come here! If I lived where it was warm, I sure wouldn't wanna move up here. I'm stuck because of my stupid family lol
I tolerate snow at Christmas, for that whole 'holiday' business, adding ambiance and all that. It gets old fast though. I'd rather be outside mowing lawn on Christmas day, now that sounds good!
People ask me that all the time, but I think it's different when you grew up in it [huh]
You and James were separated at birth by about 20 years lol
Perhaps, he's a fellow stogie enjoyer, too! He's always cold, though. I'm sweating until it gets below 60 lol
Oh Lord... you'll be... what do you call it? kevtching? all year there lol
Schvitzing! They're more air-conditioning equipped down there, though.
Oh yes, many times...
This guy is in front of the City Hall each season...
oh yeah... thatTrue..... but you'll have to be able to work on your cars......
Well, that's just not being smart about the weather. I had my VW mini-bus when I lived in Michigan. Anyone who knows anything about the mini-bus knows that the heat never works. Yes, I had a car without heat in upstate Michigan. I never got hypothermia or frostbite.Been there done that and got hypothermia. No thanks. It stunk.
I'm the exact opposite. From the end of May until the end of September, I stay inside. From October to about mid-May, I spend as much of the day outside as I can.See, I always ask the people who have moved to my neck of the woods from California, or down south what the heck compelled them to come here! If I lived where it was warm, I sure wouldn't wanna move up here. I'm stuck because of my stupid family lol
I tolerate snow at Christmas, for that whole 'holiday' business, adding ambiance and all that. It gets old fast though. I'd rather be outside mowing lawn on Christmas day, now that sounds good!
I'm the exact opposite. From the end of May until the end of September, I stay inside. From October to about mid-May, I spend as much of the day outside as I can.
I am SO READY for autumn. I seriously think I have reverse SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) during the summer months. (Yep, it's just not for winter...).
Autumn is my favorite time of year. Here in Coastal North Carolina, November often brings the first frost. Schools of mullet migrate from the shallow salt marshes to the deeper sounds and to warmer water. Laughing gulls, with their happy summer chatter, disappear and are replaced by more sullen black-backed gulls. They come from the cold Arctic to stand atop our piers and pilings and silently squint into a brisk north wind. The smell of coconut tanning butter…and the squeals of happy children…are gone from our beaches. Walk along the North Carolina shore in November, and you can smell only the pungent salt air. You can hear only the hiss of the cold, grey surf on the empty sand.
But November brings gifts, too. The marsh turns a beautiful golden brown, especially at dawn and at dusk. Schools of hungry albacore appear in the ocean inlets and pounce mightily on every lure presented to them. Mountains of oysters fill local steamers every Saturday night...beer, Tabasco sauce and good times flow by the gallon. The weather chills and the scourge of mosquitoes, hurricanes and tourists disappear for another season.
And for a time, until April comes to steal them away again, November returns the ocean, beaches and marshes back to the humble Carolina natives who love them most.
Perhaps, he's a fellow stogie enjoyer, too! He's always cold, though. I'm sweating until it gets below 60 lol
Well, that's just not being smart about the weather. I had my VW mini-bus when I lived in Michigan. Anyone who knows anything about the mini-bus knows that the heat never works. Yes, I had a car without heat in upstate Michigan. I never got hypothermia or frostbite.
Oh yes, many times...
This guy is in front of the City Hall each season...
I did camp in it for a weekend as a Girl Scout.And I am sure you never hiked 50 miles through it either as a Boy Scout. No matter how you prepare it is still cold. No thanks.
I did camp in it for a weekend as a Girl Scout.