I'm kind of new at doing vintage hair and really just doing anything with my hair in general, haha. So lastnight, I decided I'd try doing pin curls using bobbypins. I woke up this morning and took them all out, brushed my hair and I ended up looking like a huge poofball. I'm not kidding, my hair could have passed for one of those 70s afro wigs (the gigantic ones).
It was awful! Maybe I'm not doing it right...
I just have a question, I've been trying to get my hair to look like this for a while:
How do I get my hair to do this?! It's medium length to my shoulders with a lot of layers so it'd be a longer version of her hairdo. I also have a problem with frizzyness after taking out the pins. Someone wanna help me?
I just have a question, I've been trying to get my hair to look like this for a while:


How do I get my hair to do this?! It's medium length to my shoulders with a lot of layers so it'd be a longer version of her hairdo. I also have a problem with frizzyness after taking out the pins. Someone wanna help me?