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Anyone else ever feel like this?


One Too Many
Oklahoma City
While I (fortunately) haven't experienced a personal funk in quite a while, this extremely miserable heat has done a lot to put the kibosh on many of the extra, fun, girly touches I would normally bother with. There's no point in wasting good makeup that will just sweat off the moment I step outside. Even a tinted moisturizer makes my skin feel oppressed and hot. I do, though, almost always put on a bit of softly smudged eyeliner and use my tinted Burt's Bees lip moisturizer, just so i don't look completely washed out and blank.
What has helped me avoid the sloppy sweats trap is to not own any. My lazy day wardrobe mostly consists of easy-care, slip on skirts and camis. They're no more trouble than sweats and t-shirts, probably cooler to wear, and certainly less slovenly, which helps with self-image, even during a stay-at-home day. Not to mention, swapping flats for heels or wedges, and accessorizing with earrings and/or a pendant, and I'm instantly ready to step out on errands without the risk of being mistaken for a "person of Wal-Mart."
I've never been really into perfumes, but have a wide variety of essential oils, and it's so easy to dab a drop or two of lavender, or bergamot, or sandalwood behind my ear before heading out the door.
A few little things really can make a big difference in how you feel about yourself and how you appear to the world. One or two small steps can lead to one or two more, and maybe before you know it, you've gotten back into your girly groove.

Miss Golightly

Call Me a Cab
Dublin, Ireland
I have never left the house without my make-up on and I swore to myself that when my baby arrived that would still be the case - and it is! I wash my hair every day and put my face on - I have a "three minute face" where I do my eyebrows, light eyeshadow, mascara (but of course!), powder, blusher and lipstick - putting my face on makes all the difference in the world - makes me feel good and put together. :) Of course there are days when I am less than enthusiastic but for me putting on my face is a must....


New in Town
St. Louis, MO
True beauty

I just wanted to pop in with my two cents. I have been feeling run down and depressed due to my thyroid condition and stress. I didn't have money to get my brows waxed or get my hair cut. So it was caterpillar brows and pony tail every day. I finally was able to get those things done this last weekend and spent some time with one of my close friends and I feel much better. I think sometimes you have to force yourself out of the rut and just go do something. Also, set up special things for yourself and write them on your calendar. It will give you something to look forward to.

On a side note (and cliche alert!!): I think no amount of makeup will cover if a person is ugly on the inside. I think we are all beautiful in our own unique way and just have to embrace what we have been given. Makeup can only enhance outer beauty, but true beauty comes from inside.


Familiar Face
New England
Little things for me, I find, can help my mood if I haven’t been keeping up with myself. I just had all my wisdom teeth taken out a month or so ago and had a really rough recovery the first week, as the meds made me sick as a dog, and let me tell you – I was miserable after just four days of not wearing lipstick or pincurling my hair. Didn’t feel like myself at all. The smallest, least time-consuming things made me feel better and that didn't have to include makeup or hair – e.g. taking a moment to file my nails, which had grown out of control, or plucking my brows. I rarely go through stages like that, however, as I’ve got a pretty good routine going now.

I agree with Smuterella on some points that the vintage look is less time-consuming. I suppose it depends on the exact look you’re going for. Some vintage looks are a lot more high-maintenance than others. You could be shooting for a polished movie-star or an everyday gal. The hair, for me, is pretty time-consuming. It only takes me about fifteen minutes to pincurl, despite my thick hair, but I blow-dry smooth first so my hair isn’t coarse and that takes me at least an hour and a half. The makeup, however, is much simpler than what I used to do. Eyebrow pencil, tiny bit of cover-up (only if I need it that day), blush, curl eyelashes, lipstick. This takes me about fifteen minutes if I'm taking my time – a lot less if I skip the lips, as they usually take the longest.


One Too Many
Ex-pat Ozzie in Greater London, UK
retromama said:
On a side note (and cliche alert!!): I think no amount of makeup will cover if a person is ugly on the inside. I think we are all beautiful in our own unique way and just have to embrace what we have been given. Makeup can only enhance outer beauty, but true beauty comes from inside.

YES :eusa_clap I think that is what gripes me so much about the Helena Rubenstein quote. That and the fact that it was a male posting it!


One of the Regulars
I think the flipside of the "Lazy = Ugly" quote is that if you feel down about yourself then it's your responsibility to do something about it. Whether that means doing your makeup in the morning or having coffee with an old friend. You can't rely on some magic fairy to wave a wand and make you feel better; sometimes you have to actively seek out good feelings. Your actual outward appearance is just one perspective, it's how you feel about yourself that is important.


Call Me a Cab
I haven' been able to keep up with the glamourous vintage look but it is mostly because I got a hair cut I can't work that well with and the hot and humid weather.


Practically Family
Pasturelands, Wisc
There are always factors that pull you out of your every day beauty routine - very hot sweaty weather, very cold must-wear-a-hat weather, kids, work, laziness, stress, whatever. But those things will affect almost every routine - meals, bedtimes, hobbies, etc. I guess the trick is to find a balance. Let some things slide if you're just not feeling 100%, but not all of it. If I go too many days with flat hair (because the humidity kills it), I find that I'll get really crabby. A good pin-curl set and a flippy skirt sure puts the spring back in my step!

Jasmine Jolene

One of the Regulars
Somewhere, Under the Sea...in the UK
RitaHayworth said:
I haven't been here in ages...

For the last 8 months I have worn make up maybe twice. My idea of doing my hair is washing it and tying it back. It gets some leave in condish if its lucky.

I dont bother with jewelery. Most of my nails have broken and are short from neglect of usual maintenance.

I havent worn any of my beautiful perfumes in forever. I just dont bother with it.

And my idea of getting ready to go into town consists of sweat pants, jacket and running shoes.

I love vintage, the life, the look - but I just cant seem to pull myself out of dowdiness and make an effort. :cry:

sorry you're feeling like this Rita! there is nothing i can say that hasn't already been said, so i'll just say hope you feel better soon. i think we all have low moments, don't let yourself feel you are alone and that people are judging you because of how you look.


One Too Many
I guess all I'm saying is its easy to get back into it, even if its only half way - and it will help you feel better. :)


Practically Family
St Paul, Minnesota
deadpandiva said:
I haven' been able to keep up with the glamourous vintage look but it is mostly because I got a hair cut I can't work that well with and the hot and humid weather.
My wet set was down in an hour with the humidity here yesterday. So frustrating. I also tried a loser set cause last time I ended up with poodle hair but lesson learned poodle brushes out loose set falls out.

Honey Bee

One of the Regulars
Northern California
Tatum said:
I would love to still be setting my hair every day, but when I know there will be plaster dust or sawdust involved, it definitely gets put off.

Girls, I have tried everything to keep the dust out of my hair when I do set it and work on the house, but nothing has worked. Have any of you been in this predicament, and what did you do?

That stuff gets into the teeniest of places. I tried wrapping my head in scarves...help a wee bit but I ended up with a ponytail if I had to go to the store...when it was shorter, I had to hide under a ballcap :(
Some girls want jewels.....I want a contractor...paid in full!!

Fleur De Guerre

Call Me a Cab
Walton on Thames, UK
Drappa said:
Oh, I was thinking of getting a perm, but my hair is super straight and last time I had one I was 13 and it looked terrible after about two weeks. How did you find a hairdresser who got it right and vintagey? (Sorry this is OT)

:eek:fftopic: three words - old lady salon! Did my own side parting though, and really it was just about changing the structure of my hair - the setting is still down to me, but it holds much better!


One of the Regulars
BC, Canada
I do feel lazy sometimes, but it helps that practically the only thing in my wardrobe is vintage or vintage inspired. My hair, I'm often too lazy to pincurl it completely, so I do 3 rolls on each side of my head, wrap a scarf around it to sleep on and when I wake up all I have to do is brush it to get a nice Veronica Lake wave. I often pop a flower in as well. It's very low maintenence though, only takes maybe 10 minutes putting it in at night and then I just brush it in the morning. I suppose I'm lucky though, I don't have any blemishes on my face or anything, so I don't use coverup or anything, and my brows only need a slight tweezing now and then, that shape is already fine as far as I can tell. My makeup only consists of red lipstick and maybe mascara.
It's perfectly fine to go through slumps though, once you're out of them you often feel better than ever. What usually gets me out is watching old movies or even just being on the lounge and seeing people so dedicated to look, it's very inspiring. But don't feel guilty, prqactically everyone goes through that sometimes. You'll get out eventually, and just trying to put a little extra effort in my look makes me feel much better. If I look lousy, I feel lousy, so even if I'm feeling lousy, trying to look my best usually puts me in a better mood.

Miss Golightly

Call Me a Cab
Dublin, Ireland
Fleur De Guerre said:
:eek:fftopic: three words - old lady salon! Did my own side parting though, and really it was just about changing the structure of my hair - the setting is still down to me, but it holds much better!

I've often thought about going into an old lady salon to have my hair set but haven't quite got around to it - great idea for getting a perm done in one though. I got a perm too when I was about 13 like Drappa and I looked like Deirdre Barlow after - I ran out of the salon pulling at my hair - luckily for me my hair is so straight it fell out after two weeks!

Amy Jeanne

Call Me a Cab
Puzzicato said:
That and the fact that it was a male posting it!

Personally, I think all males should stay out of The Powder Room and the Beauty Room, but that's just me. Kinda makes it a "safe" place when it's only gals posting -- at least to me. [huh]

But back to the Original Topic: If you're in a funk, but you are busy and don't really have time to care, then it's fine. If you are in a funk because you can't be bothered, I usually equate this with depression.

I'm with Fleur -- doing myself up makes me happy. I love makeup and hair and being irritatingly feminine! lol


One Too Many
Ex-pat Ozzie in Greater London, UK
Amy Jeanne said:
I'm with Fleur -- doing myself up makes me happy. If that makes me some evil anti-woman because I think I look better in makeup and hair, then I am an evil anti-woman lol

I don't at all think it makes you an evil anti-woman. If it makes you happy, that's fine. It makes me pretty happy too. But I don't like the equation that lack of lipstick = ugly = lazy.


Call Me a Cab
I must admit that most years, I don't set my hair or wear make-up during the month of July. Where I live, it's so humid in July that my set falls and my make-up runs within an hour. This year, it's been hard to get back into the routine once the heatwave broke. It's so much easier to throw on some shorts and a t-shirt, but I do feel much better when I'm dressed and have my hair and face done. Because I tend toward depression, even when I'm taking medication, I see doing my hair and make-up everyday just as much preventative medicine as exercise, getting enough sleep, ect. It may seem trivial, but if taking care of yourself is a regular habit, it's harder to let it go.

Amy Jeanne

Call Me a Cab
Puzzicato said:
I don't at all think it makes you an evil anti-woman. If it makes you happy, that's fine. It makes me pretty happy too. But I don't like the equation that lack of lipstick = ugly = lazy.

That's where my "evil anti-woman" thing comes in -- I AM ugly and lazy if I don't "do" myself lol

Lazy because it only takes 2 minutes and it's something I enjoy doing and i *know* it makes me feel better!

Ugly because, well, I *am* kind of a mess without my warpaint! I'm a natural redhead and I have the washed-out blonde features that go with it. They can look striking on a pretty girl -- on me, not so much lol I look sick or "butch" -- two looks I try to avoid.

So, yea, Helene's quote is spot on for me. Look good, or be lazy and look ugly. lol Seriously, If I don't do my hair and makeup I not only feel depressed, I also think I look like this:



[ETA]: So no one gets hurty, the butch look is awesome on other chicks. Just not this one. See photo above lol


New in Town
For me I find the best thing to do is to make being vintage a no-brainer. Normally I try and wear dresses every day, full makeup and I always pin curl my hair each night. But when it gets busy and I just don't have time I roll out my slacker outfit - high waisted blue trousers and hand knitted 40s jumpers (ebay not me I hasten to add) and a pair of ked wedges. A snood and a bit of makeup and I am away.

If I don't even make this effort (which I sometimes don't) and just shove on jeans,tshirt and trainers I tend to feel so depressed by the time I get to work that I spend the day with my head down, mumbling to people. I know its silly but I feel that if I don't put my best foot forward it ruins my day even more.

And again getting into a routine makes things easier - ten mins a day doing my eyebrows, facial every month, waxing every 6 weeks. It just means I don't have to think about these things in between. Worry and procrastination are my devils. And I am definitely going to follow Fleur's lead and go to the local old lady salon.

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