It's a shame that men are allowed to age...if 'aging' means letting oneself go, and becoming a lethargic tub of lard.
Nope. The main requirement is continued activity and physical fitness. Gray hair and wrinkles, on the other hand...
It's a shame that men are allowed to age...if 'aging' means letting oneself go, and becoming a lethargic tub of lard.
Upkeep, meet Viagra.
If there's one thing (of so many) I can't stand, it's hearing about old men getting boners on a schedule and chasing their wives around.
If that's your life, fine; but good god man, don't broadcast it.
If I had my way, I'd melt the Viagra commercial reels down into rubber bands. Those blue rubber bands would do the same trick, cost less and we could finally stop hearing about it on Sunday night while the whole family is huddled around the set.
lol Or maybe ten or twelve . . .A good eight-hour shift in a manufacturing plant used to take care of that problem for previous generations.
If there's one thing (of so many) I can't stand, it's hearing about old men getting boners on a schedule and chasing their wives around.
Up until maybe the 1970s, not sure when it really started, women generally looked their age. By that I mean they weren't dying their hair in the numbers we see today, faces weren't puffed up with Botox and Collegen and plastic surgery wasn't as rampant. While oppressive and unfair it seemed to be generally regarded that a woman of a certain age was washed up and no longer sexy. Having said that, when I look at old photos and footage of aging people, I see more grays and less of the 45-is-the-new-12 look, but I also see a generally better looking population!
I know it's a personal opinion, but to me, most of the artifice of today beyond hair coloring is blatantly such and doesn't make one look more youthful. To me it looks fake, desperate and inelegant.
I am not stating that all "work" on one's face is a bad thing or always looks terrible. It's just that we are now a culture of Frankenfake faces and I don't like it.
What are your thoughts? Will you get "work" done to fight the face of aging?
Professor Linus Pauling spoke of this. He was criticized for his efforts to find ways to prolong human life. His critics asked, what is the use of living longer into a decrepit old age? Assuming that only the years of youth have value.
Pauling responded that his own young years were years of poverty, struggle, insecurity, obscurity, and endless work for doubtful rewards. His mature years were years of achievement, success, esteem, and financial security. He felt youth was a disagreeable time to be outgrown as soon as possible. He felt anything that prolonged those years of maturity and staved off the inevitable physical and mental deterioration of old age, was a blessing worth searching for.
He was born about 1900 and I believe his thinking was in line with a lot of people of his generation.
Washed up and no longer sexy is putting it rather strong.
I think that the big difference is that men are allowed to age. The culture wants its women to look young, but men can get better with age.
I recall a recent article on CNN about moms in their 30s and 40s trying to recapture their youth by dressing young, going out to clubs, and getting drunk. Sigh. I guess I just don't understand what is so terrible about getting older.
A woman should have curves, a figure, and some life experience behind herAfter all, a girl doesn't become a woman until she's grown up.
Nope. The main requirement is continued activity and physical fitness. Gray hair and wrinkles, on the other hand...