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Advice needed for first top-tier G-1 leather jacket purchase


New in Town
Hello gentlemen,

I was doing some research on G-1 leather jackets and came across this forum. I’ve read through many threads and found the vast knowledge of G-1 (and A-2) leather jackets from our members to be tremendously insightful. I am a naval HR officer in the Navy Reserve, so I won’t be issued a standard flight leather jacket, as I am not part of the naval aviation community. However, I adore the G-1 and A-2 leather jackets and wear them regularly for my civilian job. I already own an A-2 jacket from Cockpit USA, and now I’m looking for a warmer jacket for the winter in Minnesota. The G-1 seems like the ideal choice.

I’ve narrowed my options down to three: Eastman, Good Wear, and Rainbow Country.

- Good Wear is made in the USA and is considered the top option by many. However, the wait time is more than a year, and the price is around $2,000 (if choosing a vintage zipper).
- Eastman is very close in quality to Good Wear but is made in the UK. The price is significantly lower at roughly $1,600, and the wait time is around six weeks.
- Rainbow Country is regarded as one of the top three leather jacket makers in Japan. Their G-1 jackets are priced at $1,600, with a new release coming this December.

I’m currently leaning toward Rainbow Country, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on which option I should pursue for this exciting purchase.

Thank you!


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I would not consider Rainbow Country for this at all, not just because of the price. They make some good stuff for sure, but the G-1 and its siblings are widely available and frankly luxe-ing them up would take away from much of what makes them great.

The only Japanese maker I would be happy to get a G-1 (or adjacent) jacket from is Buzz Rickson's, which places a lot of emphasis on making them wear like the originals. (The G-1 family of jackets has what is probably the best pattern in the history of leather jackets, so fashion-ing it up will compromise that.)

I would caution against getting a G-1 as a "warmer jacket for the winter" because warmth wise it's no different to the A-2; in other words, it's a leather windbreaker.

You're missing one big option from your list, and that is Dave Sheeley (Maverickson on this forum); like John Chapman of Good Wear, he is a one man flight jacket machine, except his specialty is G-1 (and its predecessor jackets), based on extensive knowledge and experience with originals. He even has some of the original machinery.

Contact him on the forum, because there's no need to go through eBay and have them take their cut.

Another option is Aero. I don't own one of theirs but I do own a WWII original that was refurbished by them and they did incredible work.

El Marro

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Out of the three you mentioned I would choose the Eastman as I know for a fact they make a great G-1. I own the ELMC horsehide G-1 and it is a great jacket, very comparable to the originals I own in therms of cut and quality. The only complaint I have about the jacket is the knits, they began peeling almost immediately, and one of the wrist knits Tore after moderate wear. As annoying as that is, I am still very happy with the jacket and I will just have them replaced at some point in the future.
I agree with @Aloysius thst the G-1 is not a winter jacket, especially not for Minnesota winters. Yes, it has a Mouton for a collar, but the lining is rayon, which, if anything makes it cooler rather than warmer. And since this is a jacket that can (and should) be worn trim I don’t think it is worth sizing up so that you can layer a heavy sweater underneath it.

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