Dixon's Dame
Familiar Face
- Messages
- 64
- Location
- San Bernardino California
Those are awesome pictures! And that sounds like so much fun. I'd love to do something like that one of these days. Thanks for posting these!
If you need help on pronunciation call me and I can stick Manuel on the phone. He speaks Italian. I've picked up a little bit recently as I had to teach a little Italian for the past 4 weeks (We start Japanese next week-Eeeek!). Good luck is Buon Fortuna (bwon-fore-too-nah).Lauren Henline said:Very interesting! And good to know! Thanks so much, guess for next time I'll have to learn Italian![]()
Initially, the movement was composed of independent troops, spontaneously formed by members of political parties previously outlawed by the Fascist regime or by former officers of the disbanded Royal Army loyal to the monarchy. Later, the Committee of National Liberation created by the Italian Communist Party, the Italian Socialist Party, the Partito d'Azione (a republican liberal party), Democrazia Cristiana and other minor parties took control of the movement, in accordance with King Victor Emmanuel III's ministers and the Allies.
In the end, the bands were separated in the communist Garibaldi's Brigades, Giustizia e Libert?† Brigades (related to Partito d'Azione), socialist Matteotti's Brigades, and several Catholic and autonomous groups; the greater part of fighters were in the former two. Between the autonomous formations there were the Green Flames, Di Dio and Mauri, composed of monarchists or former soldiers. Relations between the different groups weren't always good; for example, in 1945 in Porzus (in the province of Udine), Garibaldi Brigade partisans under Yugoslav command attacked and killed partisans of the Catholic and azionista Osoppo band, who had refused to accept Tito's authority.
In the valley of Carnia, anti-Communist forces from the Soviet Union under the command of ataman Timofey Ivanovich Domanov were used; they were promised the establishment of a Cossack republic in northeastern Italy, to be called Kosakenland.