i thought vents were common on jackets up until the 30s...
I think my wording just got muddled up, i was saying your ad dated 1920 looked the same as my suit, I wish it was dated. Speaking of which I dug through my collection and found a suit I have had for a while that I was hoping you gents might help me date. I was figuring it was from around world war one if not the early 20s. It was sold to me as being from the 1890s but I know right away that isn't true. It is made of what I think is raw silk, i was told probably japanese silk by a friend.
This is a stupid question I'm sure, but could someone explain exactly what it means when folks talk about a rearward sloping shoulder in terms of 1920s suits?
I went to the opening of a clothing exhibition of womens clothing from the 1920s and 30s and decided it was a good excuse to wear my early 20s 3-piece suit by Hart Shaffner Marx. I see that herringbonekid posted the ad for the same suit i have dated 1920. I have to lose a few more pounds to have it fit perfectly but i did my best.
I found this suit at the bottom of a basket of clothing at a flea market, it was in very rough shape (still is) but i managed to restore it to wearable condition.