Home Additions
The hurdle is a dozen or so. After that, your spouse or significant other won't notice a new one. Unless you're wearing it to bed. That's for another thread...
Pity the poor cubicle clerk
That must have been a solution for many executives, at least at the level where they would have been most concerned about their appearance. I am grateful for the replies and will report back if I can score one of these vintage or not-so-vintage trouser creaser...
Mr. Jones, What are you fiddling with under your desk?
My apologies to all: Orgetorix's posts answered my question. I could not see the illustration because of our filters here at work,(What? Why are you wasting time at the Lounge on work time? Because I can.)
Anyway, it is interesting to...
Topper Tip
See: http://www.historyinthemaking.org/
The hat maker is John McMicking in Canada. John makes top hats from scratch and DOES NOT use the 'pulled felt over a block' technique for the plush covered hats. He uses a firm hat shape, perhaps pasteboard or buckram and covers it with...
Kentucky Love
As a Kentuckian, this reference is not flattering. We might initiate a war between the states with suggestions of other venues where this might be more prevalent but I will refrain, as a member of the Commonwealth's Bar, requiring me to forswear duelling.
Too Late to Run Home
Let me clarify: Assuming business suit wearers valued a trouser crease and found themselves arriving at work looking like a drowned cat, what did they do? It seems unlikely they popped by the local dry cleaner and shucked their duds and waited for the presser.
I hate when...
Long Riders
Just got this one-8th one down from the top. http://www.americanvintageclassics.com/jackcoats.html
Already have one like the bold herringbone above it. When, if ever, were those popular?
Desk Work
I remember seeing TV ads, during the early '60's, for a small iron, that looked for all the world like a woman's hair straightener-a handle with a 'trigger' that opened and closed two opposing flat oblong plates, for men to press their trouser creases at their desks. Probably not "UL"...
I can't find anything specifically on this but if there's a thread, just send me there. Trouser creases. I hate to lose them. When I commute in the rain or snow and they wilt, even with modern treated wools and blends. I hate it: you look like a bum!
I understand creased trousers became...
Recta horribila
I appreciate the Latin plural! My three years are mostly forgotten. At least I did not become an agricola, which was my heritage. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Be the Devil!
I haven't seen that one for years but I would agree with your description from what I remember. It's fun to watch that ensemble of actors who enjoyed working together in anything. Peter Lorre had such a great delivery.
Riding Breeches
This look will not work here at the Bank. Even in our equestrian lending area.
Even on some of the lenders who resemble one end of the horse or the other.
White collar/colored dress shirts
I used to like this look. That is, until two of the largest rectums ever to take human form ran our division in the late '80's and early '90's, while affecting this look, replete with tie bars and pocket hankies, thus spoiling it for me, forever.
I am almost ashamed to post mentioning my garments because I am so handicapped at the picture technology! I would love to post some! Perhaps my daughters, when home for the holidays will oblige with a few. They have all the gizmos and know-how.
I warn you though, I have never been...
Stay Pressed
That may do it. Unfortunately, I omitted those instructions the many years ago I sent mine for a cleaning. I do them myself now, as described above.
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