Amazon dry goods is about the only place which sells detachable cuffs. Otherwise they pop up on ebay, etsy etc. from time to time. Those cuffs are laminated though, so they cant be washed.
The centre of the patch should be where your elbow is. While wearing the jacket, bend your arm so that you see the elbow, then make a mark at that point. Measure the length from top of hindarm seam to this point; place both patches the same length from the top.
I disagree:
Didnt want to resize itself, hence the link.
Get long laces and lace them in a cross lace (too tired to come up with a better formulation). Then they wont have to go out of their holes when you take on and off your boots. In addition the cross lacing is easier to tighten and untighten.
I do not think this is a costume piece. It looks too old to be that, although it could just as well be an old costume. The undercollar reveals that this coat is not a top of the range job; it has been padded by machine and the stitching is rather sloppy. Nevertheless it is a nice coat, and it is...
My point is that people worry too much about correctness and these "rules". I will agree with you one your last point, as long as we can call it guidelines, not rules. I can only think of a few offensive ways of wearing a watch chain, like out of ones *** (my apologies); to leave the watch...
The only rule you need to follow is: Does it look good or not? This plague of the iGentry, making up rules for how to dress, must be done away with. If you don't like the way someone else wears their watch chain, fine. That does not mean that your subjective opinion (or the opinion of the...
I was going to answer this when it was posted, but hey, better late than never.
It is done by "undulating" ones hair (To cause to resemble a wave, to appear wavelike. (I don't know if that is the proper English barber term, but I guessed it was as the Scandinavian equivalent is "ondulering".)...
I will put pomade in dry or wet hair depending on what sort of look I'm going for that day. (I use a water based pomade.) If i want the slicked back look I put it in dry hair and comb it back. To get that softer look (a la Dillinger in Public Enemies), I add some water with my hands to spread...
Saw you in Oslo a couple of weeks ago in (I think it was) that very suit. Very nice. Where was the photo taken? (I see some other well-dressed people in the background; looks like some kind of market?)
You have got yourself a nice suit there. Sleeve lining is hand stitched, buttonholes look like they are too. Those pieces of cloth in the armpit are supposed to absorb your sweat. A real bargain, I reckon.
Thats right. I can get cut lengths high quality flannel from Harrisons Burley or Dugdale bros. for around £40 per metre. Even with any discounts from buying in large quantities the price is unrealistic. In that price range the fabric quality can't be the best.
Those short cravats that one finds in abundance on ebay are not the same as the one in the OP's picture. They can be tied four-in-hand much like a regular tie but the knot will be much thicker than what you see in the advertisement.
The tie in the advertisement is in its most basic form a...
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