I've been in a small store over the past couple of years where the owner wears a boater. At first I thought it was some sort of a foam political campaign giveaway. It is thick and stiff. I simply considered it part of his eccentric personality, and I quickly got used to seeing him in it. He...
That's a perfectly good reason to wear a hat!
The stingy brim, which can also keep your head warm and dry, works as well on some people as wide brims work on others.
Why do I wear a hat? Occasionally in the past to keep the sun out of my eyes and to hide bed head (just like any baseball...
Although I'm a newbie here, I'm no stranger to hat shops. There are several quality shops local to me and where I often travel. So, when I stepped into the Hillcrest store six months ago during a business trip, I was pleased with a decent selection plus attentive and helpful service. I...
Riding a motorcycle WHILE wearing a fedora? Now that I've got to see! lol
Actually, all our discussion is moot if we are talking about your typical American motorcyclists who quickly adopt the "uniform", sometimes before they actually buy the bike. I have a friend who bought a big bike to...
Thanks for the beret clinic. My only beret is packed away somewhere in the garage because I discovered years ago that my wearing it could cause an unfortunate international incident.
Celebrity beret factoid: Adam on Mythbusters seems to get high praise by FLers because of his good taste in...
Only if you are uniformed public safety or military, I suppose ;-)
I agree about haircuts and hats. Now my hats, not my wife, tell me when I need a haircut.
If you usually do not wear an Irish cap, why get one just because of the jacket?
When the weather is appropriate for my black leather jacket, a fedora is too. I think a black or dark gray c-crown/Indy-style would look best. And no stingy brims.
Of course, we all are shaped differently...
One of my banks here requires you to remove hat and sunglasses when entering.
I cannot look at a sombrero now without thinking of the movie Three Amigos. :)
Once under the influence of tequila at a fiesta in Mexico, my wife got up on a bull but absolutely refused to wear the "official"...
Small world. I grew up in Whitehall but probably a few years before you did. My father still lives there and I visit often from my current home in Ohio. I have lots of family and friend connections in Muskegon, G.R., Lansing, and other parts of the state.
Since late 2006, you simply put Windows on the Mac and install your programs.
In fact, with Parallels or VMWare Fusion, you can run Windows or Linux or DOS or whatever AT THE SAME TIME you are running OS X, dragging files from one to the other as you see fit.
I cannot speak for the mixes or cavs, but I have quite a bit of experience with cockers.
I met my wife 25 years ago when I bought a pup from a litter produced by her two cockers. Since that time we have cheered and cried over close to 20 cockers with 9 of them being regular members of the...
Thanks, Indycop. Somehow I've missed Sosa's in the past. I'll be in and around Orlando next month and will check them out. Any worthwhile hat shops in the central Florida area? Fishing and spring training require a new hat or two, I believe.
BTW, I just got back from the Palm Beach area...
Yeah, I saw the reports. :mad: However, Palm is supposed to be in the mid-70s next week. Definitely better than the single digits that we have here now.
Heck, maybe I'll take a felt fedora, too...just in case! :p
Butt-ugly? Hey, my wife bought me my Tilley and she says she I look good in it and the 50+ rating might keep me around a bit longer. Who am I to argue? lol It's the one hat I almost always have in the car or suitcase, even when wearing a panama or fedora. It's going to be my beach-walking...
The store is called Appointments and is located inside the Carew Tower. I actually learned of FL through the Fountain Pen Network forum. I will check out General Acutraments.
Thank you for the link.
When my wife speaks...I listen. She has a finely tuned fashion sense honed by years in the clothing industry. I wear hats to stay healthy, but do not want to embarrass her when we are together.
The upside is that she cannot complain much when I "need" to buy a new hat. After all, she...
To Boris K and the Fedora Lounge: Ladies and Gentlemen, I truly am indebted to all of you!
In the late 1990s I bought hats and had them serviced at a fantastic hat shop an hour's drive from home. Then it closed. I heard rumors making me suspect that shop in Cincinnati still existed, but I...
Other possibilities:
1) Jaxon wool crushables (in different styles) - I squashed two of them flat in a bag for hours during a cross-country flight, one of them got sat on in a car for a couple of hours, and they still look good. Good in the rain and snow, too. I have the pinch-front fedora...
Last week a colleague at work and I were heading out into the cold. I put on a fedora and he donned a flat cap. It must have been five minutes later before I actually studied his hat. It was like a Kangol Leather Spitfire but with flipped up ear flap thingies. I thought the hat was the...
To see portraits of authentic western hats, check out "The Enduring Cowboy" in the December issue of National Geographic magazine. The editor was in British Columbia and was wearing western gear when a cowboy asked him if he was from the magazine "because you're wearing an out-of-town hat."...
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