Wide-brimmers, be careful what you wish for. If the brimmed hat/fedora trend sticks around for a while and morphs into wider and better offering, the market may be affected. This could impact the vintage crowd if such lids become trendy. Prices may skyrocket after that.
For the modern...
An article in American Way this month about KR showed no pics of him wearing hats, but in a sidebar Travis frontman Fran Healy was wearing a semi-stingy fedora.
And I just did a double-take on a hat photo in the USA Today. A political rally photo that included the Nuge in his trademark...
I have no issue with other people wearing them although not all folks, young or old, can wear them well.
I DO have an issue with me wearing a stingy. I'm tall so I look more like Stan Laurel in one. All I would need is "high water pants" to complete a very silly look.
I bought a black and gray (in the pinch style) at their San Diego store in 2007. Collectively, they survived being flattened in luggage for 12 hours, sat on by humans, animals, and objects, and some snow and rain. During the winter, I kept one in the car as a spare/emergency hat. I once...
Exactly. There's a reason desert folks for centuries have kept their heads (and bodies) covered.
Too hot? Wear nothing but flip-flops and shorts in the sun for a few hours and see how cool you are. lol
Correctamundo. Those of us who were kids during that time saw it first hand. Both my blue-collar grandfathers would always wear their fedoras outside, even when simply puttering around the yard. But my father never wore a hat then. That seemed to be the pattern with most of the adults I met...
One method I've tried a few times on long flights is clipping the brim to the seat back pocket with a wooden spring clothespin.
It works well when there is sufficient legroom. Otherwise, you'll end up shifting it around occasionally.
I never heard of it before joining the FL and then reading a number of posts about it. With a bit of "googling" I learned it goes back into the 19th Century in the U.S. and had also been in effect on the second saturday in May instead of the traditional May 15.
Anyway, I trekked to the...
Tomorrow is Straw Hat Day (actually today for some Loungers). I suppose you could call it one of our holidays. I will honor the day by wearing this Borsalino. It was my gateway Borso some 20 years ago when I made the mistake of stopping in to Batsake's Hat Shop in Cincinnati. It is still in...
You might want to check out http://www.nateshats.com/.
The real deal, mostly word of mouth reputation among working cowboys and rodeo types as well as the rich and famous.
I recently bought a nice dark brown Borsalino from Batsake's. It had upwards of a 3" brim. Gus offered to trim it down if I wanted. Maybe he gets requests like that.
But I'm tall and look like Stan Laurel in a stingy (I used to look like Oliver Hardy) and I mostly wear hats for protection...
It's not unusual for law enforcement types to exchange patches, coffee mugs, pins, challenge coins, myriad logoed items, even uniform items like rank insignia or hat badges. I've seen this particularly on the international level and training classes. The European officers always seem to have...
One tip if you have Windows with the included Live Photo Gallery and you want a perfect square to get 150 pixels both horizontally and vertically (and I remember correctly), do a "square" crop first, then go to File>Resize and do a "custom" resize at 150.
Any version of Photoshop will resample an image. There are some slight differences but the help menu should find it quickly. I can give your details from about version 3 and later, if you want. If your original is not square a great way to do this is to crop with a fixed size of 150 x 150...
They can be found in uniform stores (police, postal service, etc.) in the far northern states. Not likely in Memphis but check with the local L. E. types at the courthouse for their supply store which probably can order it for you.
I've worn one when the temp get lower than -5 or -10 and I...
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