I'm gonna have to get me some Pecards, no doubt! I'll order some asap!
That's the only thing that kind of concerns me is the element but mostly the rain. Where I ride though out the year as much as I can. I never can seem to dodge the rain. In the MC riding months of east Tenneesse, its not IF...
I was actually talking to Gail one time on the phone and she told me that their naked cowhide was a better quality hide than the steer. Like I'm sure its probably not a lot but if the naked cow is A+, the steer being an A- LOL. I cant ever get them to say for sure in an email (of course you know...
Okay here is the thing that's got me. We've all heard different things from Schott about steer, cow, and horse. It seems to be a pretty written conclusion that the term "cow" and "steer" are just terminology for Schott to distinguish non-coated and coated leather. Unlike with us on TFL who know...
I'm not going to knock Schott. I'm a big fan of their work, leather, and customer service but this isn't the first time they've been accused of false advertising. I myself who also live born and raised in East Tennessee around farms my whole life definitely know the difference in these animals...
Obviously we all should know the difference in cow steer bull ect. But apparently it means something different in Schotts vocabulary. Definitely got me scratching my head too HoosierDaddy
No doubt, I'm sure ill get some different opinions...
Iv had my naked cowhide for 6 months now but that's been 6 HARD months of daily wear. I accidently got it nearly swimming pool wet when I got caught out in the rain on the bike one day. Absolutely no shrinkage or anything. Honestly, Its...
Most of us know that Schott's leather jackets mostly come in three famous leathers; Steer, Cow, and Horse! Everyone always ask, which is better, stronger, etc.. They all have their pros and cons. I currently have a 6 month old 141 in naked cowhide and in the process of breaking in a new 618 in...
I agree 100% Monitor
Not disputing anything that Schott or Gail/Jerri might be saying but iv always thought that putting NOTHING on their naked cowhide was just to protect them and the company. I could only image the crap that Gail has had to put up with and sort out over the years from idiotic...
Lol I could start a whole new topic on this, I'm not going to but I am quite curious how the naked cowhide will hold up in time. Reasons being
Lol. I could start a whole new topic on this. I'm not going to but I am quite curious how the naked cowhide will hold up in time. Reasons being, from...
Yes sounds like yours is like mine. Which I'm not sure if you saw my earlier post. Gail from Schott confirmed this was the case and also mentioned any good leather maker should do the same to anticipate the more movable parts of the jacket. So that being said, sounds like you and I both have a...
I agree Monitor, there just isn't very many jackets out there to compare to. Iv even got that 100yr Schott book they have. Of course it has plenty of aged jackets of all different materials (except naked cowhide, like two jackets I think is all) but it doesn't tell much about the back story of...
Just thought I'd share... I emailes Gail at Schott yesterday telling her how much Im enjoying my jacket and I asked her about the sleeves and this is her reply. She confirms the same as we've all said. It's supposed to be that way.
"Hi Adam,
Now that you are the proud owner of the horsehide...
I wore my 141 in naked cowhide today to work. I've had it and wore it daily sense about April. I absolutely love it and it's distressing beautifully as well. It no doubt feels heavier and thicker than the horsehide 618. It's not that the horse is any less than the cowhide it's just one of those...
I just ordered a regular 628hh directly from Schott. I didn't make any sleeves changes in length. I'll measures them when I get home from work to give an accurate length.
I agree. That's what makes it YOUR jacket! If they were all the same, we'd just all buy them predistressed that way lol. How long did it take before you saw it start to dramatically start to change that way? I just saw that pic you posted of that beautiful sleeve, is that your Schott?
Thanks man I really appreciate it. I'll be honest, I studied quite a bit before I made the decision to go with horsehide and from reading your posts, you were one of the ones who helped me make the decision to go that route. I could tell you knew your stuff! Appreciate the advice man!
I could...
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