Gail at Schott is very picky and cautious about anything being put on their leather especially the naked cowhide. Basicly just making a point saying that if Gail approved it....thats saying something.
Pecard recommends about every 4 months depending on the least that's what Phil at...
In case anyone is interested, I got the approval from both GAIL at Schott and Phil at PECARDS to use the classic Pecards leather conditioner on Schotts naked cowhide!
I applied some to my 141 a couple days ago and I couldn't be happier. It has really gave it that waxy/protected fill but yet...
I have to agree! Like you said, not only from hearing this as well from Gail and Jerri but from personal experience. My naked cowhide is getting better and better! Not only is it very supple and breaking in nicely but the characteristics of the leather is really looking awesome! The quality and...
Bob, WOW.... just as TREEMAN said! What a Schott story! I really appreciate you sharing your story with us. That has really reassured my doubts on my naked cowhide. I could just vision you and your brother testing the limits of what I'm sure was an unbelievable looking jacket. I must ask...did...
I'm rocking both my favorite leathers today. I'm currently at work wearing my Schott Café racer and have my Perfecto in my duffle bag for when I change into casual wear for after work errands later!
Their just isn't too many naked cowhide Scotts to go by on eBay or really anywhere, Monitor. They are mostly steer and horse. Even most of the 118 iv saw are just a couple years old. Id feel much better about the situation if Schott or any other manufacture, had something to go buy that was made...
Does anyone know much about Thedi leather jackets? Their all natural veg tanned leather to be exact. Is It the same situation as Schotts naked hide minus the veg tanning process? Its unsealed as well right??
That's it, I agree. I have just always been taught from the beginning that sealing the pores of any type of leather is a bad thing and causes the leather not to last as long as a jacket without the pores sealed?
SJC, congrats on your recent Schott purchase! I was a little shocked too but once it gets broke in a little like mine is starting to get, the rest of the jacket starts to resemble the sleeves (and believe it or not, its a good thing) The Schott hh is becoming buttery soft and really breaking in...
They all look good. I personally like the Perfecto and the Café Racer. Honestly I'm with the rest of the crew, they look a little snug on ya.
The one that's cut like a denim jacket is okay...but leave that cut where it belongs, with a denim jackets.
A definite NO GO on the yellowish one!
I'm quite pleased how she seems to be turning out. I'm trying to wear it as much I can but these 80-90 degree days are slowing that down lol.
Monitor, do you have any old pictures of your 618hh?
Yes! That's one of the first things I noticed. The buckle is much more "deluxe" then whathe iv...
I had some misfortune on the Harley yesterday and had my font tire go down on me! Actually it was fortunate that I didn't go down! I've got it jacked up now and changing it myself. My trusty 618hh by my side to assist!
Like I said...excuse the quality of photos. I'll try to get outside in the sunlight tomorrow and take a few good ones.
Exactly one week today sense I unbound her from Schott!
Thanks man! I'm working on ya some pictures as we speak. Wish I had a decent camera and with some better camera on my phone just doesn't do it justice...
I'm gonna post some pics of my 618hh later today when I get home from work....I'm REALLY starting to love how its breaking in. Iv just kept wearing it saying to myself "good things will come to those who wait and are patient" and that is very true. I'm SO glad I didn't turn my back on it in the...
Okay well good, at least I bought the right conditioner for my leather.
So what's the "Topcoat" that comes on the steer that DOES let the leather breathe and WONT hurt the the leather???
Very Confusing Nick. That's a good point no doubt. I'm a thorough believer in a good leather conditioner. Here is some more confusion, Schott has always said "stay away from petroleum/silicon based products that will clog the pores of the unfinished hide and cause deterioration'. Well I just...
Well said Monitor! Agreed! Back to my A+ A- comment. Like you said, maybe just a closer eye on the leather when it's assembled is all, little cleaner etc.
I'm still curious about that coating that's added to the steer. Going back to Gail saying countless times "Do NOT clog the pores of the...
I'm just repeating what was said by the nice people of Schott. I never said the steer was an inferior hide nor am I going to try to add a top coat to my jacket. Just curious to why the naked cowhide is $20 dollars more if their the same jacket same hide? If its so "deluxe" with the better...
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