I got two reproduction white British military enamel-coated metal mugs and got to wondering if they were ever marked on the sides with any special markings? I’m no expert on Brit stuff and got these only because there wasn’t a US equivalent and I wanted something I could drink from at events...
I was pretty young when this was running, but I never missed an episode, even back at the time, I was in junior high when this was on and of course my friends couldn't understand why anyone would watch it:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matinee_at_the_Bijou
You tube has a modern variant of it, but...
You see people in old movies wearing black armbands for mourning. When did this practice cease? I'm 40 and I've never seen it done. Was it a specific religion thing? I have asked plenty of people from various ages and the older folks agree it was done decades ago, but nobody can seem to recall...
Did anyone else here celebrate Independence Day in 40s style? We had a local parade, in Centralia, WA (halfway between Seattle and Portland, Oregon). So far this year, it’s rained on EVERY major event our group has had since last summer. This year was no exception. There’s a old joke about the...
Finally you can have a Willie and Joe shirt of your very own, and licensed by the family! http://www.billmauldin.com I hope they're good quality. I just ordered one of each of these and if they are indeed silkscreened, I'll probably buy extras...
All that being said, I am saddened to see his...
I just heard that Bill Mauldin will be getting his own postage stamp! There’s no release date yet but it’s going to be out this year.
More info here: http://www.usps.com/communications/newsroom/2009/pr09_118.htm#bill
You can bet I’ll be buying and using a LOT of these!
Of course, Willie and...
This is my 2009 Christmas card, the web-friendly colorized one. I do a b/w card version for relatives every year and I usually also color and scan one for online purposes. It's been a dachshund theme for many years now. I thought I'd share it with all of you as well!
You know you've been a re-enactor for too long when:
1. You sit around with buddies and spend hours talking about what vehicles/airplanes/weapons you'd buy if you won the lottery.
2. If you had a time machine, you'd rather go back to 1997 and be an extra in "Saving Private Ryan" than to go...
I’m hoping somebody here might know about this, so here goes. When I was a kid, I remember seeing in school a animated movie from probably the 60s about (I think a boy, maybe a girl) a kid who played a harmonica and at some point, paired up with a caterpillar who danced to the tunes. They became...
I grew up not far from the former runways of this 3rd AF fighter training base. They closed the field in the early 60s when they moved the airport outside of town. It was a large AAF field until 1945. I have stacks of photos and volumes of books and notes for the book about the field I never...
Just got back from a halfway decent local show. We had a threat of rain but nary a drop. We did have very stiff breezes, though.
My ride:
With a 1941 Ford GP:
And I still can't get over how freakishly large I look in this photo! :eusa_doh:
I have abut 500 shots I took in DC from the trip, just got back last night. Here's a few, scenic and historical stuff. We also hit Philly, USMC museum, Aberdeen and other places in that area. I was stationed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds on active duty, so I know the area extremely well. I mostly...
I just read about something new, WW2 re-enactor magazine. I haven’t seen one yet so I have no idea how good it is. I just wish they’d post a few sample pages from an issue so people could see what their magazine looks like. There have been a few attempts over the years to make a magazine...
I had a roll of film developed recently from a camera I keep in my SUV "just in case." When I got the film back two days ago, I had forgotten I had taken these photos. I thought this was pretty neat, a temporary bridge over the Chehalis River (in SW WA state) over the summer, and I found out it...
Holy self-promotion, Batman! :eusa_doh: :offtopic:
Here's my comic book debut as a character! I'm the war correspondent in the center.
This appeared in the current issue (#5) of the limited DC comics series, "SGT Rock and the Lost Battalion," and came out this week. My appearance in the...
I went down to Portland over the weekend to watch my second favorite steam engine running, Southern Pacific 4449. A couple of years ago, she was repainted in her original 1941 paint job.
Here's a shot of Doyle...
I saw a recent magazine article with some photos of this car sitting behind an Amtrak train recently in Penn station: http://www.luxuryrailvacation.com/ I must admit that would be incredible to ride a car like this down the Northeast Corridor. These private cars are pretty much the only older RR...
WW2 US War Correspondent collection/impression
Hello all, just joined this forum, pretty neat stuff! I have a lot of other US 1940s and WW2 stuff, but my War Correspondent collection is something I'm pretty proud of as most people don't collect this. These are only a few photos, as I have a...
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