I'm wondering what the original color was of sections of Marsden Matting or pierced (or perforated) steel planking (PSP) in WW2.
I'm building a model RR layout that takes place in 1943 and I want to throw some sections of the stuff into the back of a truck. They're etched brass and it got me...
What would electric meters on the side of houses look like in the WW2 era or earlier? I did a lot of looking onlike but can't find a photo of any house back then showing what the electric meter on a house back then would look like.
I'm in the process of getting ready to make some power poles...
I just started wondering, how did people get to funerals during WW2 with gas rationing? I assume that hearses got decent gas ration stickers.
I'd also assume that most military funerals didn't have anyone playing taps or a 21-gun salute, due to the number of men being buried back then, unless...
I'm in the process of building my dream model RR layout and I will eventually be looking to make a couple of road signs.
I want everything to be as historically correct as possible as the layout will take place in 1943, but I started wondering about road signs back then.
I'm assuming that road...
I saw the ending of this movie many years ago. The main character is (I think) a British officer who is posing as a German general. At the end, he's telling Hitler personally that several of his own people are traitors. He escapes from the bunker, apparently going West and is captured by either...
I went to the Evergreen Aviation museum in McMinnville, Oregon yesterday. I'd been there twice before but not since 2005. They have expanded the place a great deal ad is the only museum I know which has a B-17 and hardly anyone notices. It's dwarfed by their primary display=
The Hughes H-4...
I'm building a model RR layout that'll take place in rural Eastern Tennessee in 1943 and I started wondering about elections signs the other day. I don't think this was a big election year there so there wouldn't be any signs, but how common were, "Vote for _____" signs during the war?
I recently found an extra A2 for a very good price, it's got the velcro name plate so I can't do much with it for WW2 stuff.
I'm thinking of maybe making a copy of one of the A-2s worn in the film, "Space...
The underappreciated movie thread has a lot of good suggestions in it.
But that got me thinking, what movies do you think are overhyped and simply not as good as people say they are?
What movies do you think the movie snobs make you think is a classic when it really isn't all that good?
Just wondering what timeframe chairs like this would have been first made?
Would these have been seen in the WW2 era? I saw lots of them growing up in the area my parents are from, all the old timers had them. But I've always wondered when they started making these.
I just found some as O...
Amazingly, after several months of rumor, the Union Pacific RR has announced that they are indeed getting back a 'Big Boy' 4-8-8-4 locomotive to restore and run. File this under the, “I never thought this would happen,” heading...
I was recently reading about the proposed negotiated peace settlements the Germans tried with the allies.
It got me wondering...
Say that Wach Am Rhein succeeded and split the allied armies, and American and British citizens went ballistic, forcing Churchill and FDR into a negotiated peace...
I'm currently gathering stuff together for my model train layout that will take place in Eastern Tennessee in 1943 and I've decided I need either a tobacco or corn farm along a portion of the tracks as the area I'm modeling had a lot of farming (and still does).
The area was financially...
My wife shocked the heck out of me in December by getting a reproduction 1940s dress for my living history group's annual Christmas party.
I didn't have time to go over hair and makeup and she told me about the day before the party itself (I'd assumed she was just going to wear a modern black...
I'm slowly desinging and will soon be building a model train layout (O scale narrow gauge) that takes place in TN in 1943.
One of things that has stumped me is what wartime road signs looked like in Tennessee. I have the license plates figured out, but I want to make scale authentic speed limit...
Sorry that this doesn't really click with the golden era, I just thought some of you might like this anyway...
The years forever fashion new dreams when old ones go. God pity a one-dream man.”
-Robert Goddard
In 1982, I first heard of Space Camp. I was 12 then and there was no way I was...
Over the weekend I went to a car show at the local casino, which went pretty well. A group of German teen fans of the "Twlight" books/movies was passing by the town I live in on their way to Forks, WA after flying into Portland that morning. They needed to stop at the gas station in town just as...
The Lemay museum opened in Tacoma today: http://www.lemaymuseum.org/ My wife and I stood in line for about 90 minutes to be among the first to see the collection. The building was massive and the collection really awesome. You name it, they probably had at least one of them if it was a normal...
The National Railway Historical Society's national covention is in Tacoma this year, last month. I started out by chasing one steam trip and rode the following day behind 1941 Lima locomotive, former Southern Pacific 4449. I scored a seat in the observation car from Vancouver, WA to Tacoma...
The Sci-Fi Museum at the Experience Music Project (at the base of the Space Needle) in Seattle just opened their 18-month BSG exhibit:
I was there for the opening as well as Aaron Douglas coming two weeks later to talk to the fans (in...
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