Well Boil my Blue Suede Shoes, Elvis!! Am I to understand that you have stumbled upon a vintage Aussie fedora El Dorado??!! It's commonly agreed that they are rare indeed - but you have contrasting evidence.
So...deliver us from this Heartbreak Hotel! Spill the beans on where the treasure...
Thanks Brad. That's terrific feedback.
My guess is we'll never know the hat's origins - but I'll certainly post photos when it arrives. Have you seen a similar hatbox, or have any idea when this style was used? I'm guessing early 20th Century, but it is just a guess as I've not seen one quite...
This has been a very useful thread. Could one of you helpful bartenders please shift it into the "Links to important Hat Forum Threads" sticky so we can find it easily for future reference.
Early Dobbs (?) Derby
I picked this up mainly for the box. The Derby looks like it will need some work and with the sweat missing, it may not have any other manufacturers mark anywhere. I guess we'll find out when it gets here and I can decide whether the hat is worth restoring.
What we do...
Akubra Bogart
Went with silver grey and black today, and, bearing in mind your wise counsel about wider brims, I went with my only lid that fits the bill in that colour scheme - the Akubra Bogart.
"or otherwise infamous crime". Don't you just love it.
Chicago has a handgun ban?? Sensible folks those Chicagoans.
Our whole country has one of those!
Brilliant Scott.
That's quite a stretch but in my experience the Akubras handle it well. You will need to give it a reminder every now and then of it's new sizing as they tend to shrink back a bit.
Anyone here pick up this Marathon?
I fought bravely till my lack of cash overpowered my lack of a grey hat.
Oh I dunno Mario - endless renditions of 'Fernando' would turn anyone into a blithering, quivering, mass of insanity with no idea what a hat is for!
As for the evil mongrel....I must add it to the list for consideration. Thanks.
Brilliant David - a legal tale about vintage hats! What could be more perfect for this thread?!
My slim connection with the Jos Campau St, Hamtramck Store is a Sovereign Stetson stingy brim from Mroz Hats, which Polczynski Hats became from 1945-85 prior to being bought by Henrys. That shop...
Thanks Atticus.
Certainly of interest. A sad and difficult case. Should this troubled kid be tried as an adult? I can't see how justice is served by doing so.
On another note, is the Grand Jury a uniquely American thing? Here and in the UK it is generally a magistrate who decides if there is...
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