It is with a heavy heart that I unload my King Moretone upright bass fiddle. It has a beautiful tone, plays very smoothly, and served me well for the last ten years. I need to renovate our kitchen, and I'd like to move on to an electric bass. Not interested in trades.
Happy bidding...
What kind of authenticity do you have to provide with the hat? If you have material that provides provenance, that will probably determine how you go about selling it.
I just spent 30 minutes on live chat and on the phone with Ebay's account fraud team regarding some unauthorized user from Australia listing 58! dvd sets in 1 day auctions under my ebay account.
I guess my 12 digit password was not strong enough (since I haven't been snookered by any...
Do we have any members down there? I saw pictures of the devestation down there on the gulf coast, and it looks horrendous. Lots of lives were lost.
Having lived through a few hurricanes myself, my prayers are with those still down there.
You can see it here:
It looks pretty slick. You get to see a lot of their fedora styles (one of their strongest points is the sheer amount of styles they can make... Graham can make pretty much any hat you can imagine).
In other news, the new felts are in for this...
I saw this link on a mailing list for my library school. It's not my thing, but I thought that some of you folks (especially the ladies) might like it. This person has scanned entire issues of old romance comics from the Golden Era.
I didn't even know they had romance comics, but here they are...
At work, I took it upon myself to build a new website for our library. Our old one was archaic, looked bad, and did not work very well.
It looked like this:
So a guy I work with, Brad, and I both worked together on...
Actually, the last Senator to be elected President was Nixon, and he was elected* to two terms as well.
Anyway, I don't forsee Gingrich getting anywhere with a Presidential run, as he was too divisive a figure within his own party, and seen as very divisive to the American public in general...
Welcome to the Lounge, Crooner.
I can't really help you out much with the attire question, but I recently saw the Glenn Miller Orchestra in Myrtle Beach this past fall, and if you are going, you are in for a treat. They sound awesome.
Here's a link to my post about it. I'm glad to see...
I am selling a Gibson guitar banjo for my brother on Ebay. The serial number is 193, and it's in good playing condition.
This is the nicest hat I have ever held. The felt is a sort of grayish brown.... it's hard to describe. The ribbon is a dark dark brown, and has a trolley cord. The felt is superb...very tight, extremely dense, and slightly stiffer than the nutria/beaver blend. The finish is very very smooth...
Sorry for the late post. Things have been crazy with work/school.
Anyway, goto
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My dad does. He's a retired environmental engineer. He decided to start running his own stumpgrinding business a couple of years ago because of the boredom of retirement. He sets a small amount ($100 per month) aside for just entertainment, and sometimes spends it on low stakes poker if he's...
This is a great debate. One of the best I have seen in a long long time.
It's a little more than 1/2 over, and Bush is really on the ball compared to last week.
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