Printer's Alley was then and is now a good place to go, but the locals in those days went to other such places about three blocks away, which in our opinion were better in all respects.
Along with their positive qualities inside, they were located less than a block away from my office. After...
If you have some interest in and/or involvement with the music industry, this is your place (Music City, USA). The proportion of Nashville's economy involved with music is less than it once was, but that's mostly because other things such as health care, automobiles, and manufacturing have...
Ten years or more ago I would have suggested Nashville (as one person did in a one-word recommendation earlier).
At that time it was *exactly* as you described - low taxes, reasonable home prices, good medical facilities (multiple large hospitals and a Top-10 Med School (Vanderbilt)), low...
I know that Dan-Dunn-world is almost completely disconnected from reality, even for a comic strip, but the idea of cleaning a plane with gasoline in a closed building scared me just by reading it, even though D-D and idiot-Irwin don't really exist.
Back in my hot-rod days the often-quoted...
I agree with Harp and FF about Lana's excellent qualities (looks and brains) and that she should be paying zero attention to the idiot Harold.
Since she is obviously beautiful to us outsiders/readers - glasses or not, there must be more to what's happening in the comics-universe.
Related to...
Definitely no criticism of the 101st was stated or implied. If anything, they were some of the victims of the higher-level intelligence failures, since they had to fight hard to fix the situation.
I was a civilian volunteer at the 101st Airborne Museum for about ten years and I/we told a lot...
As an aeronautical engineer, I can say that most of the aircraft/piloting information presented so far is very close to being dead-on correct. (I am in a state of shock that *anything* in Dan Dunn makes sense.)
Adding one more bit of aeronautical information, planes don't crash due to ice being...
I was 90-95% sure that the hot-dog/ketchup controversy was a regional thing, but it seemed so serious.
My own examples of regional food differences tend to run North-South instead of East-West (Chicago-New York- Boston in the case of ketchup on hot dogs).
For example - Properly-made tea: brew to...
Can someone explain why anyone would care what another person puts on their hot dog? Or worse, have the temerity to actually say anything negative about it to a ketchup-using hot dog eater...
Hot dogs are such a low-priority food item here in the South that it was a surprise to hear that...
My dad would not describe any of the serious combat situations he was in - despite my best kid-style interrogation: "What did you do in the war, daddy?"
He would usually divert the questions to innocuous or humorous "war stories" such as how bad the food was or how he got seasick on the way...
Very well put!
Did you know my dad?? Your description sounds just like him.
He never told conventional jokes of the "Three salesmen went into a bar..." type, but his general demeanor and way of talking was almost always humorous.
I wonder if living through a Depression in poverty, and later...
Your phrase: "most non regulation in the US Army" reminded me of my Dad, a WWII combat vet, who in his Army photos had his cap so tilted at an angle that as a kid I couldn't figure out how he kept it on his head.
I asked once why he wore it so tilted and he said, very succinctly, "Because they...
The fact that it's "camel-colored" makes it more likely that is a WWII Officer's Overcoat.
WWI coats were mostly a dark brownish green and WWII enlisted overcoats were dark brown.
Look at the neck, inside the pockets, and at the tail to see if there is a small white Quartermaster (QM) tag.
The only thing that saved the day was that really good high-octane gas was only 29.9 cents/gal.
I feel like a real outlier with my big vintage V-8's - it seems that a lot of people here in FL Land had VW's.
That old cliche about Good-News/Bad-News applies directly to vintage cars.
The Good News: You can easily work on them.
The Bad News: You have to work on them.
Since my vintage cars of choice were 50's and 60's muscle cars and hot rods (400+ HP), "keeping up with the Joneses" on the road was...
"Officers with enlisted: no way no how I imagine."
Just one example to show that with millions of people involved, some "aberrations" on that issue happened...
The mother of one of my former girlfriends was an Army nurse (1st Lieutenant) serving in a hospital in Hawaii during WWII.
One day a...
Except when the term "patina" is used by gun collectors - they often call light oxidation/rust on an old gun as "patina". It may not be metallurgically correct, but it's the common usage of the term.
It make a bad situation sound less bad.
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