"Here comes Leonardo, Leonardo Lion,
King of Bongo Congo,
and hero Lion of iron..." (watch out Biggy Rat and Itchy Brother...)
I guess that "Super Chicken" was among that herd of cartoon characters, also.
"Super Chicken" was a super hero (obviously) who had an idiot comical-sidekick lion...
As a great fan of "Green Acres", I have a less-negative view of Oliver's "situation": The problem doesn't lie *within* him, he's in an alternate-universe/parallel-dimension (Hooterville). There's nothing wrong with him, he's just out of place there.
From late night's episode: Arnold came over...
The "Eagle Staff photo" is actually by my hero, Arthur Fellig ("WeeGee" - The Famous). Surprised he didn't demand named credit. (photo below of the fire looks like a WeeGee, also)
Key point is "rural". My parents, aunts, uncles, etc. were poor and lived out in the country (Tennessee) and had no radios. (Or maybe they didn't have any radios that they did have turned on.)
My dad told about how he just happened to go to the local general store and heard about it on the...
No - definitely not a tanker jacket (winter combat jacket). Among other differences, tanker jackets have ribbed knit cuffs and bottom.
The closest thing I can see to that one is the M1941 arctic jacket. However, they were long and came down below your bottom to keep you warm.
I think it's a...
As someone who was a teenager during the heart of the '60's this whole topic and various sub-topics are a gold mine of interesting ideas and recollections. (I turned 20 in 1968.)
Jimmy Hoffa: I have a totally unique view on a part of the Hoffa saga - particularly his crimes and later trial and...
"Dick Tracy would shoot without hesitation. Just sayin'."
Forget Dick Tracy - think what Fearless Fosdick would do in that situation... (And would then do a sales pitch for Wildroot Cream-Oil...)
You could take the jeep driver out of the "Private Snafu" category if he is part of the security detail for the Holston Ordnance Works [HOW], located just a short distance east of Kingsport. That would be just about 20 miles from Johnson City - right in your railroad's area.
HOW was...
In my first NASA research effort we would occasionally get some very odd experimental results. Someone would inevitably make the statement that we had: 1) disproved the accepted laws of physics and we should immediately go collect our Nobel Prize or 2) made some sort of mistake in the...
I don't know if it's a national or local brand, but "Mayfield" makes great ice cream.
Their butter pecan has more nuts per volume of any that I have ever had.
Tastes great, too... (not less filling)
More Emo Phillips, from back during the Cold War:
"The Soviet Union is a strange mixture of evil and inefficiency - sort of like the Post Office with tanks."
They are everywhere - I saw two of them just last night. One was crossing the road, the other was walking along the side. Could *barely* see either one...
Those look exactly like US Army WWII service shoes. Probably not a coincidence since we supplied with military equipment Denmark after the war.
I have done a lot of military reenacting over the years so I have a LOT of military-style boots:
One original pair service shoes very much like yours...
I was thinking "Jack Benny" and you beat me to it...
Other collective masters of the pause were the Marx Brothers. They had honed their live acts and comedy to the point that they allowed time in their movies for the laughter to start and finish before they went on to the next bit.
At the...
Let me present some (probably) unpopular views on Charles Lindbergh, mostly gained from reading his book "War Diaries", covering the time period mid-1938 - mid-1945. It's just over 1000 pages, but it's an easy read, at least it was for me. I bought it in a used book store for $2, and intended...
I have done a lot of writing, but it was almost all in the engineering and science fields, so I haven't used many "fronted non-finite clauses" and if I ever did I certainly didn't know what they were called.
This reminds me of when mathematicians were allowed to write math textbooks for...
I bought one of those old "muscle relaxation" devices at a flea market as a curiosity from the past. It was amazing to think that people in those days would plug it into 110v(!) and then "go to town".
The idea of that much voltage near delicate areas is scary just to think about.
Proceed with caution on the full resole.
We have a first-rate shoe repair shop here and I took a pair of WWII service shoes in to have a full re-sole.
The shoes looked really good on the outside and were nice and soft but when the old sole was removed the lower/inner part had dried out and...
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