I very much agree with your opinion of "Rio Bravo".
It has it all...
Heroic Sheriff - John Wayne
Drunken Deputy/Former Sheriff - Dean Martin
Old Coot - Walter Brennan
Young Gunslinger - Ricky Nelson
Gruff Wagon Master - Ward Bond
Lady Gambler - Angie Dickenson
Evil Smart Brother - John Russel...
There are several good reference books on the exact topic you are asking about - WWII uniform regulations and use.
They give things in such detail that you can find out that black ties were pre-1942 regulation and khaki ties were used after that.
Sam Browne belts for officers went away...
One big fault of the TV series "Twelve O'clock High" was that they often didn't wear oxygen masks at bombing altitude (over 20,000ft).
I think this was so you could better see the "star's" faces.
(Only B-29's had pressurized cabins.)
I'll never watch "Son of Frankenstein" in the same way...
The most amazing part of this whole "situation" is that the former Mrs. Douglas MacArthur (!) is directly involved.
(I thought we invented the Sexual Revolution in the 1970's. Apparently there is nothing new under the sun.)
This is an excellent but very hard to watch movie.
I have seen it before, and will probably see it again, but it will take summoning some force of will to let me do that.
The cops in Nashville just started that "self-reporting" nonsense here. It applies "except in the case of DUI".
How are you supposed to know that, with NO WAY in real time of checking on the other driver's blood-alcohol level?
Found the video - Thanks! Now I need to find time to watch it.
In the spirit of the actors in "Band of Brothers", here are a couple of our own reenACTING photos.
The first D-Day photo is of our lieutenant, with the implied caption: "Guten Tag, Mein Herr. Would you care for a cigarette?"
I would be surprised if it wasn't. Somehow that link only gives the program announcement, but not the whole program.
Any alternative? I REALLY want to see the program, or as much as possible of it.
Your first hand impressions and experiences would be VERY welcome.
How was it?? I signed up for it, but forgot (!!).
Our reenacting unit several years ago was sponsored by the 101st Airborne Museum and the 101st Airborne Division at Ft. Campbell. I had some incredibly enjoyable experiences doing that, so I REALLY wanted to see the BoB actors' reunion.
OK - Somebody tell me what a "dice girl" is. (I could look it up but I trust the FL folks to tell a better story.)
Also, get used to Flip Corkin, he's in TatP "for the duration".
I don't remember that particular plot, but it seems like it might fit the Andy Hardy formula. One that I do remember is that Andy Hardy's "crisis" in that film was that he was set up on a date with a girl who was about a foot taller than him. However, it all worked out fine...
There were...
The "Andy Hardy" series with Mickey Rooney could be considered "coming of age" movies, since he went from high-school, to college, and then into the Army.
I don't think his (fictional) experiences resemble in any way the '80's movies you mentioned.
Has everyone seen that excellent anti-Google commercial for a different search engine where this very creepy-looking guy is right over your shoulder as you type?
The song/music for it is PERFECT":
"Every move you make,
every step you take,
I'll be watching you."
(Can't remember who did that...
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