I agree with this statement which is why I was having trouble with the issue at hand when I posted this thread. I own a fur felt I had previously thought to be cheap wool. No, no, turns out it's just a POS (and by that I mean Primitive Octopus Sandwich) which I do not enjoy wearing on my head...
Yep, definintely jungle boots. I own an actual used pair from a Vietnam vet. I think you can still find them on eBay now and then. It's sorta hard to find used pairs because, from what I've been told, the canvas used to rot after being constantly wet.
And 10.5? Man, no problem. At least...
Well...I wouldn't say that necessarily. Granted, I'm interested in quality as much as the next guy; I only own one wool felt hat and it's the last one I'll purchase - especially after consulting the board (which by the way, the pics of my hats I'd posted a while ago...the only wool felt was the...
Overall, I think that hat looks good. All suggestions seem decent so far.
I'm not sure a higher crown would be a good idea for a starter hat. I know when I started looking, I didn't particularly like higher crowns and I would likely have passed it up.
My suggestions are similar to others...
Well shucks, no problem Mr. Starius! It's always nice to know we have more and more hat-wearing gents walking around the streets of Iowa these days!
Those are some great pics, and I mean great! What years do you suppose those were taken?
Thank you! I've tried to purchase within Utilitarian parameters. If I purchase anymore guns (unlikely for the near future) I will likely buy something for fun...but nothing over the top.
And it's funny you should mention I have something for every purpose because when I went to buy each gun...
Not to unearth an old topic (mind the pun), here is some information from A Gentleman Gets Dressed Up by John Bridges and Bryan Curtis. Of course, take this for what you will.
"When dressing for a funeral...a gentleman dresses in the most somber attire he has at hand. Ideally, he wears a...
jamesp, thank you very much for that piece at the beginning of this post. That puts so much into perspective. Thank you.
Happy Independence Day America! And may we continue to prosper and grow as a nation!
Well a hearty welcome and congrats on a first post!! :eusa_clap
Now as far as the Stetson Outlet, I'm fairly certain there were no deals on 7 5/8 Dobbs, however I did see some Dobbs on reduced price racks (something like $60-70) For a new felt hat, that's not bad. The 7 5/8 deals were all...
I have just the thing!!!
All you'll need are some scissors, some masking tape and a lot of patience.
Now go ahead and print two copies of this off at your home computer.
Make sure to cut well along the lines (don't want to mess THIS hat up!)
Tape around your head.
When you...
And from what I understand, .308 is more accurate, a little easier on recoil (depending on all variables of course) and currently the choice of most snipers using lower-medium sized bores (which discounts the .50bmg guys, etc).
I've never had the fortune of shooting a .308 but if I had the...
:) Haha, I heard this from a middle aged gentleman that inspired me to research and purchase guns (and I wouldn't be surprised if he's registered on this forum and lurks). This was one of the factors that weighed heavily in my decision to purchase a revolver.
Now there's something I've never heard of before. That sounds like something I will need to try. Has anyone else had experience with this method (leaving it overnight)? And pros or cons?
Thanks Edward!
Man! Now there's some good lookin' fellas!
The way you guys look, you should be stopping traffic!
lol @ Barbershop Quartet...some people's kids, I tell ya...
You're correct that it was essential. So go ahead and create a thread about it.:rolleyes:
Hey, I'm still trying to figure out why guys are so crazy about sports, or cars, or vintage clothes...guess to each their own. [huh]
At least in the states, I'm surprised they even let men wear hats on a plane. Anymore, the hat might be made of a questionable material.
I can see the airport security now:
"What is this...you call...fur felt?"
"I don't know Jim, but it sounds explosive to me, I think we should run him...
Since I've been here, I've only seen about 3-5 threads on guns. It seems to me, just like any large discussion board, that if a topic is of any interest to its members it will be discussed.
I don't see how discussing guns is any different than discussing straight razors. Guns are a pretty...
Thanks for the advice! I checked out those stores and their stock. Nothing too bold, but I picked up a few with some simple colored designs. Beats all the white ones I'd been using! :D
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