My family ate dinner together every night. My mom, dad, brother, and me, sat down together every night, shut the tv off, turned off the lights except those over the table, and chatted. My brother and I never went to church a day in our lives, so Sunday had nothing to do with it, but we did...
Just an FYI - the person who owns the dress (Tallyho) is a guy and his gal isn't into vintage! And if you scroll to the right there are pictures of the damage and the label.
thanks hon! it's from a wedding over the summer.
Also - on-topic - the darn foundation is perfect too!! Just what I need, $90 worth of new makeup...sigh..........
Good idea! I have the bad habit of picking at my lips when they're dry (sorry if that's an overshare), so I really ought to moisturize them within an inch of their life.
Err...well, it depends on where your chickens are coming from. Plenty of chickens people eat are plopped in wire cages stacked floor to ceiling and never move out of that (very small) cage. Unless a chicken is lucky enough to be on the top cage, it's getting pooped on by its mates.
I don't mean to be cute...but...I suspect the produce had less to do with it than the lack of vaccines and the number of deaths at childbirth (mother and baby).
Thanks! I haven't even used it yet, I have like 4 news bags I got all at once, including a pink and red polka dot Marc Jacobs number that I've been toting since it holds more than the Dofan!
Marc Jacobs is my one designer weakness, but fortunately I was able to get this bag on sale - WAY on...
I would suggest going to your local Sears, they tend to have stockings for $2.50 a pair and they size by height/weight.
For vintage stockings, I always have to get 10.5 or thereabouts, and I'm 5'7" with a size 8 figure.
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