:offtopic: I know where you're coming from on this, but this sentiment pops up from the FL gals every few months and it really irks me! The girls who are new to the scene have to start somewhere. *We* all had to start somewhere. This kind of attitude is what makes *us* seem more vintage than...
No...he wasn't! lol
Oh boo, I didn't call you a leech, I said that AYN RAND would have called you a leech. I read a lot of Rand in my day and that was supposed to be a joke. And I didn't call you an anti-capitalist, I said that people refraining from bidding for theoretical other people is...
I don't see why someone should lower their maximum bid just because someone else who also wants a hat might have a shot. Why? It's contrary to the very nature of ecomonics, and of ebay for that matter. :p
No, it's usually torts, property, crim, civil procedure, contracts, and writing & research. Two semesters of con law are required and usually dealt with 2nd year.
That's my understanding. Of course, I could be wrong.
The attrition rate isn't very high anymore. But you're right, those who leave do it because they hate the law school experience/the law, not because they flunk out.
This is the coral version of the yellow necklace and earrings set I have. The seller split them up and it made me so mad! :mad: Fortunately the same person won both, but unfortunately that person wasn't me.
I really wanted the bracelet.
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