That isn't an ad for anything. It's a poster by Oleg Volk of a real girl with her real rifle.
She's an actual shooter and daughter of a very responsible family of shooters. There are millions of kids like her all across our country. Astonishingly, they aren't the ones getting into trouble.
That's her gun and she shoots it... Well.
So why is it disturbing?
She's trained and responsible. I would trust her on the firing line next to me far more than many adults I know. She shoots with her parents and probably knows the manual of operation, principles of safety and principles...
That's garbage, we don't average anywhere near that low. When we hit more than 10 below it's an anomaly. We are typically above 0 F except for a few weeks in the depths of winter.
A buddy of mine on one of the gun forums has two daughters with "girly guns". One, (who's 10 now I think) has an AR-15 with pink furniture (stock, handguard and grip) and her older sister (13?) has one that's purple but has pink flower stickers on it.
Nothing wrong with being girly. :D
You can boil the safety rules down to 3 (+1) and ensure that you will never have an accident. Which is a misnomer, short of a statistically unlikely (like tenths of a percent unlikely) mechanical failure, there are no firearms accidents, there is just negligence.
Guns flat do not "just go...
What is this "get a gun" of which you speak? [huh]
If I have on my pants I have on my gun, it's now (after almost 18 years) as much a part of my normal dress as my watch or my shoes...
...and much more convenient to carry than my bat, hammer and axe (though not my pocket knife). :D...
A book I recommend to folks from outside the US to understand why straight comparisons of gun statistics aren't the end-all of understanding distinctions in violent crime rates is Kopel's "The Samurai, the Mountie, and the Cowboy: Should America Adopt the Gun Controls of Other Democracies?"...
And I have no problem with folks voluntarily getting together to take care of such things. Heck, reality-wise I don't have a problem with some sort of public safety net in the interim.
What I'd like to see though is that before we create that net, we save some money by stopping the...
I see exactly what the consequences will be and I feel that they are a reasonable trade off short-term until people readjust to the fact that decisions and choices have those consequences.
We certainly aren't improving the situation doing what we're doing. All we have managed to do...
Viola got it.
There's no way to prevent risk, especially in a free society. If we worried about criminalizing only acts of violence against others and not about pre-emptively saving folks from themselves with hugely ineffective prohibitions we would free up all those currently wasted law...
You don't carry a gun because a place or time is "dangerous". You carry a gun for the same reason you keep a fire extinguisher in your car or insurance on your house. Forethought and preparedness.
You don't really expect danger or trouble and you aren't looking for it. You just want to be...
This is a website that pulls together the firearms laws for each state.
The issue of concealed (and open) carry in this country has been a very interesting subject for the past few decades. "Federalism at work" as carry laws have been loosened state by...
Concealed or unconcealed you can in Vermont, always have been. You now can in Alaska as well, a few other states are moving that direction. Many other states allow permitless open carry, if not concealed.
With the "shall-issue" permitting system current in 38 states (last I checked), up...
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