your clarity astounds me!! lol OR: math scares the aych-ee-double hockey sticks outta me and i have no idea what you're talking about. no worries though...someone else already answered my question. :)
that would be my opinion also, lizzie maine. also, i think that individualism of our culture adds to the mix. everyone is taught to believe that the only person you should care about is yourself, but it's taken to an extreme. maybe these kids feel so isolated from their family that they forget...
Gender: Woman
Age: of December, I will no longer be in my twenties :cries:
Marital Status: Spinster
Location, Location, Location!!: Portland
Occupation: I'm a government stiff. :p
they did immigrate to america with my great grandmother. so far, with the help of db5zx they have really filled in some gaps in my family history. from what i already knew, these certainly were for Ellis Island. it's really exciting to know exactly what these are. :)
i'm not a hardcore gamer...or even mildcore...but i like games and have played video games on and off since i was a tiny tot. :D
gosh...i remember playing games on my stepbrother's atari. pong, of course, and what was that alien game? invaders or something? sorry...I can't remember. [ETA: space...
i love those!! for some reason, i could see my grandmother owning something like that.
i wonder if they are edible?? not that i'm saying you should try...oh no...just curious. lol
oooh...i've been wanting to share this other, more serious (and prettier) thing i do, which is iconography. i'm still very much the novice, but at least these are finished things that i can share. and the practice is fairly "vintage." lol
this is the first icon i did of St. Michael the...
hehe. thank you! i thought the summer outfit was particularly fun looking. lol i realize know, however, that i should have put some movement in the clothes, 'cause she's on a boardwalk and last time i checked it was kind of windy on the boardwalk. lol
wow, jens. thank you SO have helped me more than you know. :D the birthdates alone are missing pieces in my family history that, for some reason, no one knew. :rolleyes:
i really appreciate your help. :eusa_clap
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