Constant grey and drizzle in the winter. Which brings to mind London 2008, Rutger Hauer and "Split Second".
I liked Seattle, if I couldn't live here I'd live there.
I will accept bribes to ensure that never happens. :D
How'd that work out for Kennedy's brain trust?
University degrees are not a guarantee of anything, individually monitoring performance and rewarding the superior based on results is the only way to have a chance at getting quality employees in any field.
Whether folks are "in it for the...
On this tack, I just got my C&R license in the mail. (Where does one go to sell a kidney?)
On page 95 of the most recent Shotgun News I found this vendor with LOTS of surplus, including military boots and shoes.
Be sure to check out the surplus brown shoes and...
The Russian Front wasn't trench-bound, in the later war even in Europe you have less formal "trench" defenses and more defense in depth.
Trench raids are small-unit night "stealthy actions" and the later war German strongpoint defense and stormtrooper infiltration tactics could be...
I understood that his comment of:
covered the "asking permission" angle.
Even if he didn't ask, the simplest course would be to notify those pictured and have them tell him "no".
This is beating a horse that ain't even hurt yet. :rolleyes:
T. and all,
We used to game trough high school (oh yeah, I was cool ;) ) in the rectory. of the Cathedral. One of the Brothers would supervise.
Now we did play mostly Civ and Diplomacy and Supremacy, Risk, Illuminati,ya know, board games, but we ran more than one AD&D campaigns.
Did you see Clive all paternal in "Shoot'EmUp" with Monica Belluci and Paul Giamatti (as the bad guy)?
If you don't mind extreme (though almost cartoonish) violence, vulgarity and sexual situations, it's a fun ride.
I'll have to get a pic but my stupid boss came in gloating this morning wearing a fantastic coat from Nordies with his grandfather's heavy silk, cashmere backed, scarf.
I don't know if it would fit me. If I try it on and it does, you all don't know anything about a mysterious disappearance. :D
Do a little more digging and you'll find most such campaigns in US history, while outwardly justified by "public health or morals or safety" reasons, have explicitly (and only lightly disguised) racist roots.
Political double-speak and hypocrisy is nothing new, unfortunately.
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