That's the kind of music people who like oddball short films like - ambient and, ideally, electronic. Most music from the 1930s is critically under-appreciated and under copyright to a few big corporations, so film geeks shy away from it.
The Raymond Scott Quintet would have gone very nicely...
One of my top ten documentaries, and one that brings on the sensation of time travel as vividly as I've ever experienced.
Another tour de force of Ruttmann's - not nearly so well known - was Wochenende (Weekend), an 11-minute sound collage made for Radio Berlin in 1930.
It used an early...
ISTR reading that Doerr was Teddy's stoutest friend - the only guy Ted would never rank on, and the only one who could ever tell him he was out of line. Who wrote that? It was in some slick magazine.
This, I believe, explains a lot of its appeal to the intellectual classes - writers in particular. The bright, awkward, sheltered white boy from the big city finally had a sport to call his own, even if he couldn't run without falling in a heap or even see a ball coming. He found his heroes thru...
If 2 guys are a couple, tho, they probably wouldn't care about any castigation. What would people say? "You look g...ok, guess I got that one right."
I do agree with Lizzie that it doesn't take much for a man to be overdressed these days - especially outside the financial and cultural capitals.
Bless you...Because you said so, I'm going to bare all and tell you I faked up both of those 78 labels. (I used to design stuff for a living, and before that, I used to collect 78s.)
The Symphonic Pop of Paul Whiteman
Two high-styled, atmospheric pieces that eventually lent their themes to popular songs.
Deep Purple was one of the smash hits of 1938 with Mitchell Parish's lyric.
Park Avenue Fantasy gave rise to 1939's Stairway to the Stars.
Roy Bargy is...
sorta gypsy...
A 1939 date with hot accordion by Gus Viseur (France), guitar by Oscar Alemán (Argentina) and drums by Tommy Benford (USA).
In case anyone thinks the Hindenburg disaster was a regional story...
Des Moines Register, May 7, 1937. Des Moines, IA, is 1,150 miles from Lakehurst, NJ.
Not everybody can be all original all the time. What happens when you want to look back? Should god turn you into a pillar of salt? If nothing else, it's lousy ecology: culture alone is excused from the ethic of "don't abuse, reuse."
Then again, what do we make of nostalgia for a time before...
The folks who remember things taken away and ask "what happened?" are not the same folks who threw them out, built new and were happy.
The preservation-minded are always outsiders - not just culturally, but socially, ethnically, racially, sexually, and chronologically. The internet and (before...
Happy to see some new contributors and some less-than-hits.
(Fellow regulars: if this be snark, make the most of it! ;))
Here's a curveball for ya: Elvis...from 1937.
If the Rrrrippling Rrrrhythm didn't make you Rrrralph, you'll enjoy Earl Hines...
ISTR that the peacetime, volunteer Army had a very high percentage of foreign-born soldiers, despite almost no immigration. The quotas after 1924 were very tight, and the loyalty questions the military had during WW1 were no longer considered important.
I don't know how many people you need for...
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