It's been close to 20 years now since high-roll, 3-to-button suits and jackets became OK to wear again and emerged into the popular price market.
Well, guess what: their time is up. They're getting hard to find. I went thru my local Syms/Filene big-box store this week and saw hardly a one...
A hat lighter than the suit looks good. A light panama or milan is very versatile.
A hat darker than the suit probably won't look so good. Exception: coconut straw, which is typically one, classic color. It would be fine with tans or seersuckers, but is really too informal for off-whites.
In the US, anything approaching a white suit smells of feudalism. But I wear off-whites anyway. Only my dry cleaner is subjugated by it, and he gets his by putting in mysterious tan rings from time to time.
A couple sides by Michel Warlop, Django's favorite violinist (but not his fans'):
Presentation Stomp, 1934. Big band romp with solos by all and sundry.
Strange Harmony, 1935. Fewer musicians but more fiddling.
Just MNSHO? He has short guys doing his tailoring. They live in a country full of short guys. They've only ever measured short guys. 11 inches IS a long rise to them.
As for lack of communication? Today only the high-end tailors really interact with their clients. It's become a premium...
Singular, dim, and rich might describe Paris Hilton, but in 1917 it was how Columbia Records characterized the sound of their Saxo Sextette.
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