I completely ignored my mom's advice to learn to type. Another in a long line of things she gets to laugh at me for ignoring. The USB typewriters are on the charming side, but I'd rather that modern designers of computers would on occasion veer away from the techie look of computers and other...
^^^I have to second this opinion. The house is oddly configured, but that just points to a government built house. I wonder if the kitchen is configured that way to save on plumbing? If the kitchen is at the front of the house, (and presumably the bathroom is on that side), then it's a few yards...
I have a cubicle neighbor... who does so many things with her food that daily I give thanks that I can wear a headset at work. She slurps, chomps, talks with her mouth full, and BTW her cube resembles a landfill. At least the cube wall is high.
I'm not sure a beanie makes an outfit 40's inspired. But I will remain hopeful that there will be some other stuff that is better. That one suit kind of looked like the vibe, but it was about four sizes too large.
Oh there's worse. Betascript repackages Wikipedia articles and then sells them. And they really are nothing but Wiki articles, some of which are only tangentially related to the supposed topic. Example...
I will be happy when "vanity" publishers are no longer in existence. Some books just should not be!
NOT based on any censorious worthy content, but for bad writing, non-existent proofreading, and overall sheer ghastliness.
Had to swipe the pics from my Etsy purchases, since my camera died, and my beloved phone was stolen, but here's a few of my hats. They're like kittens, they just keep multiplying...
Well, admittedly there are a bunch of nice places around here. And it's better if I live closer to work than Franklin. I don't drive in snow very well. If I go far afield, I'd have a place in San Rafael, CA. That place just smells wonderful, like everyone has a beautiful garden!
I thought you probably had Air University bookmarked. Two jobs ago I worked at Holloman Air Force Base. Working with Air War College students (the distance version) was one of the best parts of the job. Not World War II related, but one of the instructors at the base wrote a book : The Warthog...
I've always had this "thing" for men in uniform. Although technically speaking, these guys are somewhat out of uniform :)
Think they'd object to kissing a girl wearing lipstick?
Not Dead!
I like the place I live. A fireplace for winter and a view of pastures and cows out my apartment window. But if I had the money, I'd move down the road a couple of miles and buy this:
Franklin, Tennessee
I've just never felt that WWII was all that long ago, and those color pictures reinforce that feeling. Most of the guys look just like some of my friends in the service- only the uniform changes, not the folks that wear it.
I do occasionally get the "why don't you have any kids?" question. The only thing that makes it not-too-annoying is they usually imply I'd be a good mom, so my vanity is mollified. I like kids a lot, especially when they become teens. Then they can converse and usually don't need diapering...
Thanks for the recommendation Diamondback; I'll get my hands on that ASAP. Back in high school, Midway was the subject of my first "real" term paper, so it was sort of the beginning of my WWII addiction. I recently took a financial seminar, and when I prepared my budget, Books: Military got its...
As a child and teen, I hated to out in the sun; I didn't tan, and I'd rather read a book with a glass of sweet tea than go swimming or playing. Mom was always fussing at me to "get some color" dang it! So outside I went, with tea and book to find a tree to lounge under. I hate to admit that I...
Oh goody, fresh in the mail today: The Lucky Bag of 1930. It's the U.S. Naval Academy yearbook. One of my altars of WW II hero worship. I know Sam Dealey and Dudley Morton are in there (that's why I ordered it), now I'm grazing to see who else was in that class.
I'm not sure my great-grandmother's name would be considered "vintage" since she was born in the nineteenth century, but she was named Willie. I think there was trend for taking men's names and putting an "ie" at the end to feminize it. SHE was certainly vintage! (1881-1981). :)
I'm always on the lookout for vintage perfumes at yard and estate sales. You can sometimes find some great stuff there, which is kind of sad in a way. Because it meant someone saved it for special occasions and never used it up. :( . Chanel 19 is my daily default perfume. It's nice, although I...
You'd think students who are going into a fashion related career would be more open to different styles. :( Am I to assume that they will be pursuing careers at the Wal-Mart hair salon, or one of the other high end establishments after graduation? And isn't Hawaii perfect for hats? All that...
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