yeah....I was hoping that it might be more than just another "Super Hero" movie. Something serious with good acting taking precedence over action. More ....just more. maybe someone like Burt Lancaster or hey Johnny Depp wears hats....
I had the Barbie sized doll and car set, and the Corgi car. Nah didn't like the Green Hornet at all...:rolleyes:
I was excited to hear recently that there may be a new Green Hornet movie. Then I heard it was being made by a comedian which was disheartening to say the least.
Until I came here I had always known the terms concerning hat shaping to be different. In fact the general term was to "shape" a hat. The dent on the top a crease and on the sides the pinch. When I first heard the term bash used I thought that I had been mistaken, and admit I rather like the...
I am just about to pull the trigger on a Deluxe Moonstone. Though I still am going back and forth on color. Meanwhile I have been conversing with the people at Hats from them.
"The Akubras always shrink about 0.5 cm and we send foam tape to fill the size in a bit as it shrinks."
feelng a bit more vintage
1912 Gem Junior
SE no name blade <--- looking for better
Savile Row 3118
Provence Sante` soap
standard 3 passes
Aqua Velva
Hoyte's Cologne
Found a couple of things that may help in the quest....
Of course the series took a number of forms from radio to pulp to tv to the movies. The most idealized hats were the comic or pulp covers where the crown of the hat is deformed. It almost apears as if the hat has had a wee bit if...
GWD had a problem after using Lexol in this thread
My guess is that the Lexol combines with some other chemical in the band and that's what does it. I did a bunch of research last year on Lexol and didn't ever hear of this happening except here lately on hat bands. Maybe one of the Pros know...
Saint Charles
HOT Shower;)
Merkur Futur
Derby Blade
Kent BLK4
SCS Smoke and Beads
standard 3 passes
Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum
New Spice Eau De Toilette
The rest of the hat is immaculate...It looks as if someone karate chopped it with their right hand and that was it. Very fitting for the character........
I am just back into this world of cover and already because of this forum have found many places to spend my money. Art Fawcett is at the top of the list in the custom realm because of examples like this.
Remembering my Father and having been in the Military I have certain habits concerning hats. When it comes to places in which to eat I believe that part of the current problem lies with the blurring between Fast food/diner/ cafe` and Restaurant. Old etiquette stated that the hat was kept on in...
Hello Ladies,
I saw the thread on the Oil Cleansing Method and thought I would stop by. I too have been using this method since...let's see ....February of this year. I was on a search for a better way to deal with my skin which had gone completely berserk with eczema (self diagnosis)the...
A Proraso Day
Proraso pre/post
Merkur Futur
Derby Blade
Kent BLK4
Proraso Green
standard 3 passes
Jeris Osage Rub <-- for that arctic blast
SCS Aspect Eau de Toilette
I know I'm the newb here but I've noticed over the years that Hollywood does things on purpose. For example the thin ribbon hexagonal bash that Mr. Stewart wore in The FBI Story. Did you notice the rest of his clothing? It was rather bashed as well. The same goes for quite a few other thin...
Wow, now I know how they get their income. A large selection of items to say the least. However I couldn't read much to my loss. Do they by chance have a catalog in English?
On the buckles; They seem nice and you seem to have gotten a good deal on them. There are a number of knife makers out...
Merkur Futur
Derby Blade
Savile Row 3118
Tabac Soap
Pinaud Clubman
standard 3 passes
And why pray tell is this thread not in the beauty section of the forum where it belongs?
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