Sleeve problems...
Aha- sometimes, it's not ONLY the depth of the armhole/sleeve connection...
sometimes the angle of attachment is problematic- many modern shirts(suit coats, too)have a downward-pointing sleeve/attachment, rather than a sleeve at the horizontal.
But a "batwing" type sleeve...
Yes, it didn't look so old from the photos, the plastic is a bit of a giveaway
and the "old", British ones were a bit bigger.
I would not recommend soaking any "Pith helmet", modern, or antique,
it will be destroyed.
Keep on hunting-
the pith is out there...
And I prefer Malts but not their prices.
I would rather drink VAT 69, than Chivas- that's a price issue too.
But then I have some difficulty deciding which blends are better, considering they contain a lot of non-malt(non-Scotch)product. Also, I don't personally see "value" in blends, so don't...
You totally disagree...
Do you usually drink single malts, or blends..?
Blend drinkers tend to be caught up in the whole "smoothness" thing,
which is kind of at odds with Malt drinkers tastes.
This could contribute to our opinions differing so much.
Red tastes like Scotch, Black tastes...
Blends vs. Vatted Malts
"Blends" are blends of Malts and grain spirit, as Dermann rightly states.
Harder to find, are "Vatted Malts", which are blended only from malts.
I actually prefer JW Red to Black.
Harshness and "Smoothness" are red herrings as far as I'm concerned-
taste some of...
Mysterious Mose said-
"Some deadstock boots and a bag of hobnails that I wanna put on 'em."
We need to see those!
"Algots workjacket."
Sounds like something I would have... Algots= Swedish(as you are aware)
"A very nice sleeved vest/kletterjacke, in corduroy and moleskin. Dutch...
Swedish Tweed- a 1930s that could be 1950...
...and a 1920 tweed with bells and whistles that could be 1919.
Photos when the camera surfaces.
French work jacket... and I forget the rest.
Had a charcoal barbie on Saturday night.
A couple of cheap chunks of pork, sliced with some fresh garlic oil on top.
Peppers, haloumi, asparagus...
Accompanied by feta cheese, salad and tsatziki...
The BBQs of my childhood in NZ consisted typically of sausages, steaks
Family drives are a New Zealand tradition.
NZ is a relatively small country but jam-packed with fantastic scenery and variety. I remember fondly my 1970s childhood and driving all day...
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