Yep, there's a reason why every home had a can of 3 in 1 oil laying around somewhere. In many ( but not all) cases replacing the power cord was all that was necessary to get a small appliance going again.
Bacon spam
Haven't tried the hot and spicy spam yet, but I do like the bacon spam. Tasty stuff. I must be part Hawaiian and not know it, pretty sure I go through six cans a year myself.:D
CLShaeffer, nice CETME ya got there. 30 years ago as a young and impressionable Jarhead I was stationed in Spain. We would qualify and fam/fire our weapons with Spanish Marines and on a couple of occasions I got to fire the CETME. Nice weapon and I preferred 7.62 Nato to 5.56mm. I...
Chivalry is not completely dead. I hold doors for women whenever possible and give my seat as necessary. But I'm 48 and that's how I was raised. I have this slightly irrational fear that my Dad would rise up out of the grave and give me a swift kick in the seat of the pants if I didn't. LOL...
I've subscribed to this magazine for a couple of years now. What first interested me in it was the personal perspective that it focuses on. Have to agree with the others in that I've enjoyed your articles too, Melissa.
Hello, new here but have been lurking for a while. Had to chime in on this one as my Mom worked as she put it, "in the war plant" for most of the war. She and many of her (female) friends worked at Gilbarco (Gilbert & Barker Co.) from '42 to '45 producing the stamped steel parts that were used...
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