More Green Campdrafts On the Way
I was too slow. Two of you beat me to a size 60 Green Campdraft. Sam did tell me, though, that more are on the way. I am letting my order ride and get one on the next shipment. Here is Sam's note to me:
Thank you for your order.
All this data is compiled (except for the reviews) at in a zip file. You can also review the list on the Lounge at
I put in the comments section if the location does renovation or repair.
I own both. The MD-1 has a better sweat, an excellent binding (doesn't curl like after-market applied bindings), and the ribbon is a much better color than the flat black/navy. Plus the Nostalgia is raw edge and you get all that powder in the felt.
I did a custom job on my Nostalgia and the...
Merry Christmas from Valdosta, GA where it never snows and we've been known to have 70 degrees and balmy on the big day.
Here's a few shots of the Goose's Nest
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it very much.
In other words, it is eye candy. You'd think they would at least give you a link. The stetson hat website is much better. Still, you only show ONE color of a hat. If someone goes that far you should DROWN them in data...
My experience is that people who will name their hats also have names for their nether regions as well.
An essay from my humor website that discusses both hat naming and other naming.
When Optimo did a clean and block on mine they raised the crown a bit by making the c-crown shallower.
Of the two hats, I liked my Stylemaster most until I got the Chatham back from Optimo with the ribbon change and brim binding. Now, I wear the Chatham more and save the Stylemaster for...
what the heck... one more won't hurt.
That model only works if the manufacturer takes the time to supply the retailers with display. You know, simple stuff like a pdf with hat information and pictures of the hats on actual people.
With digital distribution the way it is, this should be a...
Into what? My opinion is that we should kill it before it grows.
Some one said it and I'm going to chime in -- getting details about a hat online is like pulling teeth. Sometimes I have to visit SEVERAL retailers to see a hat in a particular color and don't get me started on crown height...
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