Slippery slope argument, eh? It won't wash.
Do you stand and stare at guys eating chicken at a picnic? No? Good.
In Chile, we don't touch chicken, ribs, sandwiches or pizza with our hands: we use forks and knives. I, for one, don't like to see people pawing and gnawing on greasy...
Best milkshakes I've ever had in the Los Angeles area: at the very very "Golden Era" FAIR OAKS PHARMACY in South Pasadena.
Gotta see it:
Hand-Dipped Milk Shakes & Malts 4.25
ONE WHOLE PINT of ice...
Not really. On eBay, Marc has picked up several vintage ones for about $50 to $75. The older ones (1930s-'50s) were also made in brown, grey, navy blue and black.
It's a beautiful overcoat, maybe the best type of overcoat ever. William Holden's character in "Sunset Boulevard" was offered a vicuna version of that coat, but he refused it and stayed with the camel hair. Vicuna is just about the most expensive wool fabric of all.
Sad to say, a lot of rapes (and other barbaric acts) occurred on VJ day. This "couple" has never been found, so we don't know if they were even a couple or not. Plenty of guys just grabbed women off the street and kissed them (or more). I see no sign of consent in this nurse's body...
But seriously, why should French-kissing be private? Is there something ugly about it? And if it is ugly, then why do we choose to French kiss at all?
Why is eating pizza or spaghetti in public any less distasteful-looking to us than kissing is?
Oh yes indeed: Tahitian and Hawaiian women of the 19th century were so unhappy. Their lot improved so very much when the missionaries made them put on neck-to-toe muumuus. Made all the sense in the world in a tropical climate.
Don't worry, KAT; it's an American thing. Over here, when TV documentaries show breast surgery, they blur out the nipples. For Pete's sake: must we sexualize everything, even the nipples of a breast being operated on? This in a society that finds public breastfeeding "uncomfortable". I...
Names usually tagged to African-Americans of lower socioeconomic status. Are the teachers really judging the names ... or the race/class associated with them?
Names more commonly found among white Americans (and Blacks and other minorities) of higher socioeconomic status ... and among...
If you're ever in the Los Feliz area (in Los Angeles), go straight to the "House of Pies" on N. Vermont Avenue and order a slice of their strawberry cream pie. Unbelievably delicious!
It's funny ... the old American country clubs of the 19th and 20th centuries often had indoor swimming pools where members -- male, of course, and w.a.s.p. -- would swim together in the nude. No one thought twice about it.
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