I dont normally watch or like TV, but i am hooked on this show- i started watching for Merle since i'm a Michael Rooker fan, and i do enjoy how the show has a sort of gray morality, every single person is flawed to an extent that they are realistic- ie shane despite being cruel and callous...
I disagree with you on the Hobbit, Worf. I just saw it sunday and i really enjoyed it, the length of it allowed for us to really be emersed in the world of Middle earth. I was puzzled that he'd find a way to pull three movies out of this, but i'm glad he's giving alot of backstory, since to the...
While i agree with your comment on desertion- i'd say that its being unfair to the soldiers who deserted from the side that was frankly going to win and fought for the losing side. In the 1840s the Mexican army wasn't any more feared than it is today. Infact its probably more effective today...
I've purchased a few new hats since my latest absence here which i hope to post shortly, mostly a Selentino i bought from the JJ hat store earlier this year and a new purchase, the Belfry Andrew from Hats in the Belfry i'm most pleased with. I'll take and post some pictures shortly.
Last night was tonight i suppose- Michael collins blended. I usually go for Old Grand Dad 114 but i needed a change. Michael collins is my go to irish whiskey, old grandad my go to bourbon unless i've got some more cash- then its basil hayden time LETS GET IT ON (still somewhat buzzed)
http://www.hatcountry.com/Mens+Dress+Hats/Mens+Straw+Dress+Hats/Stetson+Dress+Hats/Corinth+-+Bari+Straw+Fedora+Hat.html?osCsid=k02s4cc8l5tum5huig4gajscf7 - last year i was thinking of buying this hat. To me it looks very much like the one johnny depp's got on in terms of it style. anyone know...
I am glad its winter here because i really like that style hat and was going to buy one like it (i saw a similar style here in some 1950s advertisement someone posted) but now were i to buy it i'm sure everyone would be assuming it would just be to ape on Johnny Depp's look. Also, its a great...
This is true. the problem i notice has to do with how marriage is portrayed in the media and society at large- its no longer two families getting together, something one does early and the couple enjoys experiencing life together. Its the old ball and chain, something put off in favor of career...
I used to use royal crown before giving up and returning to hair gel, but since trying murray's, i'm sold. Despite having messy, wavy, frizzy hair i find that murrays makes it look neat, with just a dab of brylcreem for shine.
I got a can of murray's and i'm quite pleased with the results. I may be sticking with pomade and abandoning gel altogether if the results stay as they are.
As one of my jobs (as a doorman/bellboy) required me to wear a white shirt and black tie everyday to work, i have an aversion to it. Granted in certain situation, its fine and looks good, I just rarely find myself wearing black ties. I would keep all the ties personally, you never know when you...
Well in the UK/Ireland etc, i'd agree. But then again, i can't even imagine a need for straw or linen over there, the weather is almost never warm enough to warrant it. I was there last year and even on the "hottest" days of the year in Ireland, i was wearing long sleeves, and some of the people...
@ Hal: i always assumed its not proper to wear felt in the summer or straw in the winter. So wearing a felt hat in the summer.. well its somewhat confusing.
An interesting question, i think if most people knew the answer they'd be in a different place altogether. I used to think i knew, i'm not sure now. Its all up in the air. I suppose all i can say is I don't want life to pass by, and youth specifically, without having accomplished anything. I...
As i've posted earlier, i've always been trying to use pomades and brylcreems rather than gel on account of the fact that with gel i'd have to wait hours for the gel to harden before i could finally put on my hat, leading to a really silly situation where during the day i'm carrying the hat but...
I think the trenchcoat is one of the most versatile overcoats you can possibly get a hold of. It can be worn in rain, and isn't too heavy for mild weather, but can take cold weather too, and the lining helps. Plus it is far more durable than the dressy wool overcoats. I usually start wearing...
I'm not sure if i've posted in this thread before but i've got a bunch of pocket watches, i rarely if ever wear wrist watches. Even if it wasn't a vintage item, i find wrist watches uncomfortable, and the few times i've forced myself to wear them they drove me crazy all day. For all the bashing...
He was an SS guy channeling his best Himmler impersonation basically. And he was wearing a very plain DB business suit underneath it.
As for NKVD folks wearing it, i used to be very much interested in the Soviet era, specifically the 1920s-1940s USSR, and made a point to read as much as i...
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