I wonder if what sounds like a homeless man with possible
mental problems really deserved that. I'd save the comebacks for people who are better off and still choose to be rude.
My hair's been everywhere (formative years in the punk/hardcore scene), but right now I have it short on the sides with some length to the top, and I pomade it to no end. Since my fedora's replacable, I ignore its effects on the liner. Incidentally, the liner is white and it has, as of yet, just...
There's just bigger fish to fry. Like our school not accepting gay couples as legitimate at our prom, or kids getting away with much more hateful things spat in the faces of gay students.
I believe I might have found them..but..this ipod touch won't let m copy and paste. Ebay the following: waffle stompers dunham. It's marked as the original, since all the others are modern.
It irks me only because it's indicative of culture and society at large. Regardless of that person's beliefs, it just shows that homophobia isn't only tolerated, it's a social norm. On the other hand, only the straight kids in our GSA ever bring it up.
I must confess my love of comics ends where Daredevil begins. I like modern looks a lot more -- love Frank Miller --, but the cheesy dichotomy of good and evil (did I just hear Nietzsche roll in his grave) present in old comics is welcomed when the world gets just a little too hard to bear. I'll...
Well, the shop in Philly carries Kangol...a lot of Kangol. I got a beret there, and it was the only non-Kangol thing I remember (it was also the only one). The only employee was chiquely apathetic at best, though a more fitting description would be he seemed downright angry that I was in the...
Both are fun. My Pop-pop is in the Mutter (for a surgery he performed, not because he's a medical oddity!), and my mom and I did a weekend of ghost wrangling' at ESP with Taps. The place is daunting enough at noon... 2 AM is just wretchedly awesome.
The first thing I ever asked for in a store was an old man tartan bucket hat when I was a very young lad. My family calls dapper old men who haven't to given in to the times "Chollies". This was and is (it's hanging on my wall still) my cholly cap. I insisted on wearing dress clothes, tie...
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