Geez Jack I wrote that exact same thing a little while back. It's perplexing to say the least when a mid 1990s article is considered "vintage."
The special interest auto people are getting as bad depending on the organization. Antique Auto Club of America considers a rolling 25 year rule so...
For me I'd have to say I really enjoyed the weekly episodes of The Untouchables with Robert Stack. Not a detective in the private eye sense detective work did uncover lots of illicit booze. Set in the era of cool old cars and at a time when average folks could own submachine guns, it went a...
And Tom Hanks seems to usually dress well in public appearances too. He may not wear a fedora but is usually in a suit instead of jeans with holes and the shirt hanging half out that we see so much of.
Know what? For me every TV and movie Superman saga and series have played well. Each group of actors and directors have brought something to the table that made their rendition their own. They've all been in good taste and serious intent with no glib, tongue-in-cheek crap like "hey yo, look...
I have an old one titled Howard- The Amazing Mr. Hughes by his right hand man, Noah Deitrich which seemed good. Since it's older I think published in the 60s it is not focused on a lot of the tabloid sensationalism.
Nice hat- good price.:cheers1: Got a feeling it'll probably end up about 6 7/8. I've measured my head with a tape and got about 21.5 but can wear 6 7/8 - 7 sizes nicely. I could be measuring wrong too.
As many of the images here depict it certainly is not/was not out of place to wear a fedora with casual or work clothes. Today ou don't have to wear a suit to look good in one. I sure look better (cooler) in a fedora and a sweatshirt that with a ball cap!
You know I got to say that seeing The Aviator last year got me thinking about 35 years ago when my pal and I tried wearing fedoras but were too young and either early or late in the fashion. Being into aviation anyhow I looked at several books with Howard Hughes' pictures and noted that he flew...
As is often the case on ebay people bought the sizzle instead of the steak. The way the guy portrayed the hat with Capone's picture got some people thinking that it might be real rare even it wasn't big Al's hat. Thankfully while silly auctions like that are going on some of us can get 2...
All I'll say is that if you are interested in acting jobs you should reside in the San Fernando Valley in that it is located close to most major and minor studios there and is close to Hollywood itself.
One of the main reasons I come here is because there are no juvenile political or religious rants and raves ongoing with a few people baiting others, calling names, and feeling compelled to have the last word on any topic.
The anonymity of the internet emboldens people to become obnoxious...
Geez I can't see a thing wrong with Ford playing it in a Sean Connery mature way at all. If he isn't in it, in 50 years Indian Jones aficianados will bitch to high heaven that they got anyone else to "take his place." He's what, 62-63? People are LOTS more active at that age these days and he...
Back when I wore suits if I felt like wearing boots I did and not just in the Southwest. It's just like wearing a fedora. If you wear it you look good and don't care what anyone comments about it wherever you are. Same with boots. Life's too short to conform to what "they" say.:fedora:
Gee guys and ladies. Know what? Last time I looked everybody pretty much listens to what they want and aren't too swayed by others' opinions. Even people that are into hip hop are secure enough in their likes to not feel compelled to defend their choice.
I don't listen to most any of the...
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