Did anyone hear that a lock of Napoleon's hair was tested to see if they could ascertain what he died of and they found very high levels of arsenic? Saw it on a TV program a few years ago. So it seems as though he died an un-natural death.:eek:
Moustache- my sentiments as well. I won't spend $200 on an article of clothing that is a very occassional use piece for me. But I wouldn't buy $200 shoes either. It's like all "things" though. People buy things and pay whatever the price simply because they really want it. Ebay is a good...
Hey don't microwaves travel in a straight focused line in a point to point system where powerlines "bleed" off energy in all directions? Thought that unless you were in the "beam" it was no problemo. Of course the waves must need to difuse for coverage. Oh well. Maybe I can sue somebody for...
Ok, be it a lucky coin, a special keyfob, special old pin or hair adornment, tell us about it.
I had a luck coin but lost it. I have an old brass Captain Black pipe tobacco key fob from the 1970s and I guess that's all.
Speaking for aviation the war accelerated at least warplane advances probably 2 decades ahead of what would have happened in peacetime.
But the jet engine was already invented in the 30s and the German aircraft designers had plenty of layouts for advanced airliners. They would have led the...
On the other side the HBO series Deadwood had good a wardrobe.:)
Every woman wasn't a dance hall girl and every man wasn't a cowboy. Most of the clothing worn was NOT gunslinger or saloon slut. Just about any 50s-60s TV western is an example of being inaccurate to a large degree.
In the States it definitely was after the DB Cooper deal that metal detectors were used. Before that your business was your business and there were no searches of any kind.
Speaking from a guy's point of view regarding the hat thing I find simply that the fedora is not a bad, ugly, old-fashioned, archaic article and that it has more life in it as a useable item of apparel. Everybody likes to have something a little different than everyone else and a fedora does...
Senator Jack you don't know the half of it. I found some conspiracy theory sites with forums that discuss/argue that, the 9/11 thing and whether the moon landing was real or fake. People see cities on Mars in pics that I can't and just all sorts of hokey, hokey stuff so that I have to actually...
I swear it is the ebb and flow of Ebay at work. I have seen huge bidding fights on an item that gets boosted ridiculously high then next week a duplicate goes for the opening single bid. It's eerie.[huh]
My Grandma kept a log when we traveled of costs and I recall a complete chicken dinner was like $3 in the mid-1950s. I can only speak for the St. Louis area in mid-50s where I lived then but a glass bottle of coke was 10¢ with a 1¢ deposit. I don't know whiskey since I was a kid but a...
Good you got tickets in advance since they don't always have room on tours. And there are about 3-4 different tours that go through different areas so to see it all return trips are necessary, and fun.;)
Don't know about that particular incident but there have been many such incidents documented throughout history. Things from pebble to boulder size have fallen out of the clear bue sky along with assorted biological specimens like frogs, fish and such. Even happened before aviation existed...
Huh! I recall in the days before we got to the moon how the schedule spoken of was that we'd be on Mars at least by 1984, 2000 the absolute latest, with permanent base on the moon and a space station. Wa happened?:eusa_doh:
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