I haven't done a jot of exercise (which will shortly change) but I've lost 6 pounds this year just because I've reverted from eating holiday food back to my normal diet.
I also noted that this year I didn't have to think about how to eat better/more healthily I just did it. Huge change...
All This and Heaven Too is one of my guilty pleasures--it's so, so emotionally manipulative but I just love it. I've not seen a really clean copy of it available for sale so I have high hopes for this one. Thanks for the heads-up!
You just keep upping the bar Marty! Your sense of color, the way you mix patterns and stripes, the fit of your clothes--just great. I always look forward to your posts here.
In post 2220 in this thread Patrick Murtha tells the group he doesn't have a camera right now. In the meantime, I've really enjoyed reading his posts here. I'm sure he'll post pictures when he can.
Good to see Sir RBH again--has it been awhile or have I just missed your posts? It could...
I wasn't sure where to put this so, mods, feel free to move it. There's a movie section but none for books. Perhaps it should go under the new "vices" category for some of us who spend too much on our libraries?
In any case, I've just finished a new book called Summer at Tiffany and I...
Pretty dresses are always prettier when you know you got a bargain too! Lovely--again I plead for photos from this event when you have them, it looks amazing.
The Daily Show--good to see Jon again but the show lagged; he really needs his writers. Great to see a new toss though.
The Colbert Report--loved that the audience wouldn't stop clapping and the show was right up to par.
I'm so glad they're both back.
Possible Spoilers:
I saw this movie tonight and I honestly don't know what to say about it. For me it was simultaneously wonderful and awful, it's very hard to explain.
I thought the score was outstanding--original and it added so much to the film. Paul Dano's performance was...
I have no clothing ideas, I just wanted to say pish-posh that you're to heavy for this shoot--you look fantastic and I'm sure the photos will be great.
She sounds like an interesting photographer--you will post some of the finished product, won't you?
Ah, but that's the crux Zaika--they can't have anything written. If they go by the letter of the law it must be interviews or improv (the possibilities there!). I think they'll probably play it safe but you never know.
Having them off the air (new material anyway) for 2 months has been...
I'm looking forward to seeing what Stewart and Colbert do tonight--I'm going to have to catch the late reruns though since I won't be home for the 8pm airings.
Off topic but I met Ellen Page briefly a couple years ago and it was clear even then she was going places. I love her work.
Also (on topic) I was listening to Superfine's I Already Met You on the bus this morning and I can't get it out of my head. A pleasant earworm though.
Loving all these pictures--this one is adorable.
The outfit that woman is wearing in the picture Edward quoted above is fantastic; I particularly covet the vest.
Yes, proper order is key with those! I saw them both in the theater when they came out. I love it that they actually got the money to do the second film and revisit the story. Julie Delpy is one of my favorites too.
I love talky movies. Another of my favorites that not many have seen is...
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