Tonight was baked/braised chicken breasts. I used "Back of Yards Seasoning" from the Spice House in Chicago on the chicken breasts. I lined the baking pan with foil, rubbed the foil with olive oil, put in the seasoned chicken, and then poured in some Newman's Own Balsamic Vinegarette halway up...
Why the negative reaction, Jake? You've made an impression, and a positive one, on another human being. A man who. obviously respects you. As has been said, maybe he's liked hats for years, but didn't have the courage to wear one until he say you wearing a hat on a regular basis.
Tilleys and...
I am SO indecisive, that I don't have a one favorite brand right now.
Lately, over the past two years, I've been gravitating toward smaller sized cigars. The non-Cuban manufacturers are just beginning to realize that this is occurring. It seems that demand in the American market is still...
It's properly/improperly called a "muff-uh-lotta" in New Orleans botched Italian.
Moof-a-letta is the proper Italian pronunciation, however, in New Orleans, we pride ourselves on our mispronunciations/integration of all languages and cultures into our special local lexicon.
Yes I have, many times. My best friend is a Tusa, cousin to the Tusa family that runs Central Grocery Store, where the muffaletta was "invented." More likely someone asked for whatever the storekeeper was eating. There were many Sicilian dock workers in the area as well as Sicilian truck farmers...
Thanks undertaker.
The Stetson fits me, it's a 7¼
I got the wool Indy hats at Disney/MGM Studios. I got us both mediums, I don't know why I got myself a medium, it's a touch tight. His has a raw edge mine is bound. I thought I got us identical hats, other than the edges and I guess I got...
My sons were able to wear hats to school yesterday. My older son wore my $9 eBay Stetson felt stingy because it's gray and matches his blue uniform. I wanted him to wear his wool Indy, but he wanted my hat, so I let him wear it.
These were taken in May right after I got the hat...
I kind of like that lower crown. I'm not much for the "towering crown" as someone else put it, espcially if I'm in need of a hair cut and the hat sits even higher.
Forgive me this, but I'm the same way with baseball caps. If you've watched baseball over the last couple decades, those caps are...
I really don't know, I do hope Panama Bob or Sharpetoys chimes in.
I put my Panama Bob hat back in the box and put it up on the shelf in the closet for the winter about a week or two ago.
I'd be willing to bet that Seger believes The Star-Spangled Banner is "too violent" or somesuch, but don't hold me to it. Of course it IS a VERY difficult song to sing well even for singers with good pitch and a wide range. It goes VERY high, and it drops into the depths within just a couple of...
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