very good points, thank you. I'm still interested in the Chinese perspective today though, if anyone knows. at the time yes one can see that since the Asian problems didn't affect the Americans of European descent, but what is the excuse now for not putting as much importance on the atrocities...
the Nazis exterminated 11 million on their own, 6 million Jews and 5 million "undesirables" as they viewed them. does anyone have the numbers on the Chinese victims?
I've not yet seen "the Pacific" but it's on my wish list on Amazon
all the emphasis is on Europe and the Holocaust. horrific for sure, but I don't see the actions of Imperial Japan as any less horrific. in school the Pacific conflicts were just brushed over, hardly anything was taught about them. certainly nothing about Nanking. it was all about Europe and...
the nuclear fuel for these two bombs came from the Hanford site, near the Tri-Cities WA. because of this, the mascot of Richland HS is the Bomber. in the foyer there is a mural of a 40s style bomber plane, and the rest of the school, letterman jackets, yearbooks, etc, are all plastered with...
I tried their stuff a long time ago because a friend's mother sold it, but it felt nasty on my skin and it made existing problems worse. didn't like the colors of the eye makeup either. it's expensive besides, for the money I'd rather buy Revlon. which I've recently found to be amazing...
my grandfather used old spice classic and I didn't like it. I know I should have fond memories of him and I do but I still don't like it and I don't really associate it with him. which is odd because smell is the sense with the strongest link to memory...
speaking of Nanking, see the movie or read the book (or preferably both, if you can stomach it). I saw the movie and cried through most of it, it was awful to say the least
I made my now ex use condoms because I refused to take the pill and mess up my body. now, if I were in a serious relationship, I'd probably get a copper IUD. but I'm not so I don't even need to think about it
:offtopic: my libido was decimated for a while too, but I've since figured that that...
don't forget the little ear thingy lol
Derek don't be in any rush for marriage and kids... take your time! oh and don't bother changing your style, we like class around here even if your classmates have no clue
Big Man, maybe you should have made your coworkers trade positions with the...
I want to know what is so "weird" about dressing well and having class. at least he says that he still supports you and shouldn't change for him... that says something right?
Puzzicato AET DB and vintage are right, be your own fabulous self, even if that includes victory rolls
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