52Styleline- The difference is back then it was an unspoken acknowledgement that an adult taught the kid and/or supervised. Even so burning got your attention didn't it? Bet you were a bit more careful in all aspects of the thing.
Today we have to have ludicrious warnings on everything such...
I wear a fedora or vintage straw at every show I take my car to. I'm not into the rest of the vintage wardrobe but have to be. A guy wearing chinos and a T shirt in a fedora is 1950 as much as as if he were in a zoot suit.
We have found the same retarded thinking in vintage motor cars. My 1950 Packard is original to a degree. There is no sense in allowing a vehicle to remain in shabby condition as the value definitely DECREASES. I've seen cars sitting where owners were asked to sell them yet they won't. It's...
If the cancer that I killed twice in the last 3 years hadn't killed me the latest complication from my last treatment that left me with a super nasty infection would have. In the last few days I survived only because of antibiotics!!! While MUCH is to be desired with today's medical system...
Yeah polio was the biggie of the 50s. First we got vaccinated in school en masse and then they came up with an oral vaccine. Lately we heard that those innoculations weren't a permanent defense.:eusa_doh: :(
...El Al Airlines has long been using some of these security measures and hasn't had a highjacking ...
Paisley that would make sense in every country except the US where pollitically correctness and the fear of offending any minority is abhorrent.lol
Growing up in the 50 s I had toy cars and airplanes mostly and of course guns. I suppose the "most dangerous" one was a Mattel gun that had a plastic bullet that you popped into a spring-loaded cartridge and loaded into the cylinder like the real thing. Sure today some would cringe because the...
Yes Carter the dedication of any entity govermental or private to an enterprise of decades before a "profit" is seen will remain to be seen. That's one of the largest stumbling blocks I can see in any and all big time projects. They can't take an antsy day-trader approach to it.
Never saw any red stamps flivver. Were those Holdens supermarket or what? So far I know we know-
S&H Green stamps
Top Value (blue)
Eagle stamps (green)
Here are some other s mentioned http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trading_stamp
I believe Mr. Hermann1 was trying to express the earlier days of the war when England was very much alone in her geographic location even though allies and parts of the empire were in combat as well in other places.
When Admiral Donitz' U-boats and anti-ship bombers were intercepting many...
If we are "looking out for known suspects in a specific instance" then we SHOULD be continually looking at middle eastern men for the following reasons-
1983 - Bombing of US Embassy in Beirut, April 18, 1983
1983 - Bombing of Marine Barracks, Beirut, October 23, 1983
1983 - On November 7...
Major Nick that is exactly what I am concerned with. Re-inventing 1962 technology is simply pointless. And with the shuttles rapidly approaching or having past their usefull lives where does that leave us?
As with atmospheric aircraft they can only so many...
Never seen ANYTHING drop proportionately so much in so short a time. Can you say "rip off" boys and girls? Just proves there are suckers born with each passing moment.
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