finally had something worth showing. She's new to me... Maybrook company of Los Angeles. No Date, but union tag has 1949 on it. need to lengthen the sleeves a tad. Over all very nice, but not perfect but good enough for me. As you can never find anything over a size 38 now days... This...
Like I've said before .. Aero A2's go with one size up...
Other Aero's go with your current size.
Wool would be a good choice. And the highwayman is a bit looser so you can wear a sweater in it, unlike an A2.
Are you going with Front Quarter?
the highway man is looser, not as bad as a modern jacket but looser in the cut.
I like the half belt in looks and feel. It feels like a I'm wearing almost a second skin. Its hard to describle. they also make a 1930's halfbelt which is very close fitting, like a 30's suit jacket...
I'd say the highwayman is an earily 50's jacket in style but not cut. It is similar to the "fonzi" jacket to give you a reference.
I had a highwayman and now own and wear a halfbelt. I like the halfbelt better. Though the highwayman is killer cool to look at.
Esp. in brown...
Here's the new suit. Made by Maybrooke and sold exclusively at MAY Co. Los Angeles. Not dated but the union tag has 49'. Just need to get the sleeves out a bit. Has a double snap front I've not seen before and a metal zipper. Most likey the suit's a 44 regular.
The Hat is a vintage...
I"m not sure on the size yet of the over coat. I haven't looked for it yet.
But today I finally found a great vintage suit. I'll post pics shortly.
Double breasted, in a tanish-toupe. Classic 40's look, union tag dated 49. High waisted pants, with a metal zipper not button fly. Almost...
Don't put word in my mouth... on the evil thing. I never labeled anyone but myself of labels that other called out.
As to trees, I've planted probably an acre full.
As to how I got to work, I walked.
As to how I heat my home. Natural gas and wood.
I never brought religion into...
Let me guess you work for the oil industry don't you?
I don't have hours to respond to this so I'll just respond a little.
Us "Leftists" without the rocks and trees you don't have a standard of living. Where do you think all that "air" that you breath comes from? A chemical...
Great idea.
Being a collector of the originals its nice to see people still want them.
But the first article called them dime novels. They were really 25 cents and then 35 cents. Dell did make a few 10 centers but they were little books like you find in the grocery store check out...
what a fasinating article.
so instead of pumping oil out of the gound through one hole. Shell has come up with a way to drill a thousand holes, and then pump chemical refridgerant down into it to freeze the water, then drill more holes and put heaters down there to heat it up to 700 degrees...
Don't take what I say personal. I'm simply debating.
Walk the walk and talk the talk, but don't live the talk... it's just talk.
I have no ill-feelings towards you or anyone else, and I really like everyone here. We all have something in common. Now if your dad was George...
I know I said I was done, but since you keep bringing it up again and again..
Yesterday you said:
now today you say...
Who gave them the money?
Also what pet projects are you talking about?
I said I was done discussing it, but I'll add one point of your sake of argument that you seem to lack knowledge of.
President Bush appointed his good buddy to head FEMA. His experience in running FEMA was none. His last job was judging show horses. He got fired from that job. He's now...
I know that poster. I actually owned one for a while. It's a double bill for the drive in, split screen if I remember, black/white and red. I got mine for free too. But I needed cash once and sold it for around that.
I'm a huge fan. not in girth, but more in excitment.
Well, lets agree to disagree as you consider anything liberial as crap.
I've learned one thing in life that you can not discuss politics or religion with anyone who shares a different view than your own.
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