I can't quite decide which is cheesier. Oh, hell, let's just call one brie and one cheddar! And pleeeeze, no more Bon Jovi, or I'll be wishin' I were shot through the heart...
I so wish I could help, because I so wish I could do the same thing! There's a lot of time wasted separating the (pre-50's) wheat from the (post-50's) chaff. (Okay, I like some 70's films...)
You're not missing too much on TCM UK; they do show a lot of rubbish, repeat themselves very often...
Aah, I've been drooling over these for an era and a look at your blog reminded me how much I coveted them. Anyway, I managed to nab the very last pair, which happened to be in my size, from ASOS, and whoopee! at half price! Merry Christmas to me!
Thank you so much, Fleur!
Hi everyone, I'm coming to this pretty late but I'm not sure how late - I've only now just watched the 4 episodes before they hit the CDC. Can anyone educate me on how much I've missed?
I'm pretty durn impressed with the 4 hours I've watched so far. I don't think that anything has had me this...
Have some in my fridge at the moment - coconut oil, that is - made a yummy raw chocolate bar with it. For bread, do you just use it in place of the fat/oil in any bread recipe? Sounds like it would be delicious!
As an AZ native expat to the UK, there are but three things I really miss:
a) TCM (the UK version is utter pants)
b) real thunderstorms
c) Wholefoods and Trader Joe's
We now have a big Wholefoods in South Ken, but I used to have it just up the road! Waaaaaa! (Nor do we get Earth Balance or...
Yup, NYE Grinch right here. You bet. Don't do anything different from any other day (case in point - instead of joining in the festivities here I am hanging out in the Lounge at 4:30 a.m.), haven't marked it in any way. I'd rather stay in with my dogs and a good film than brave the freezing...
The shawl cardigans remind me of the Phil Esterhaus character on Hill Street Blues, who often wore the same one throughout the series, and I always thought he looked great in it! I never knew what it was called, so thank you; now I can maybe find one for the fella!
I would rather not give a gift at all, or even a card in the case of friends or close acquaintances, unless I've chosen it with care to match that person's interests and personality. In other words, regifting is pretty distasteful to me. I'd be as gracious as possible if I were re-gifted say...
I'll go for "The Old Dark House" as a favourite, and I also love William Castle films. With the exception of his re-do of "The Old Dark House", which was abysmal. This having been said, I will happily sit in front of almost any horror film!
I'd love to attend a Universal festival - dusk to...
I intend to have a go at bubble gum ice cream (I have such fond memories of this goop from Baskin-Robbins during my childhood) over the holidays, which may send some stomachs - if not some ice cream makers - churning...
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