Thanks for that website Cecil. It's so easy to use. And it makes it look more like an old newspaper. I actually prefer it to not look so perfect- thanks!
At my nephew's graduation last year it was the opposite almost. The girls were very dressed up. Some of them had on really high heels. I was worried they were going to fall, but no one did. I don't know if they had a dress code, but I doubt it. This was a rural area in Texas.
Here are some modern ones, the gofugyourself girls are always making fun of them. But I kinda like the Anna Faris one (the first one), on her it looks cute. I think if you're a bit bigger, they would still look cute, IF you have nice legs.
So I decided to go with the white hat with blue flowers. The red was just too much. The blue was just not the right style. Anyway, thanks for the help- and ignore the look on my face-lol.
This dress ended up being pretty neat. It wraps around the back, like a Swirl. But I think it's rayon.
I tried to sort all my pictures in categories and it has made them all disappear- ugh. Anyway, I took a picture this weekend of the outfit and I think it came out pretty good.
Babydoll- those are beautiful! My mom has a pineapple tablecloth my aunt made that's like the first one just bigger.
miss_killin's question reminded me that I didn't post my last quilt. This one took forever! I started it in 2005 and then kept putting it aside and making quilts for gifts. The...
Are you quilting some kind of pattern in the quilt? I don't know if it will all stay together if you just sew the perimeter. I take my tops and everything to a lday who does the quilting on a big machine, but I always do patterns and such.
Bonnie Parker of "Bonnie and Clyde"
When Bonnie Parker met Roy Thornton she was only fifteen years old.
One year later they were married and Bonnie got a tattoo above her
right knee, on her thigh, of double hearts which contained both of their
names. Roy, a criminal himself was away from...
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