How well does it flatten the tummy and cinch in the waist? I'm always on the lookout to try new girdles!
Does anyone know of any waist cinchers (or girdles that do a really good job at cinching the waist -- all that I've tried on flatten my hips instead), with garter straps? I think a waist...
I don't really change anything about my makeup routine, except maybe I'll wear coral or pink lipstick occasionally. I usually wear quite subtle makeup (except for my lipstick!), so it works well for all seasons and occasions.
Plus, there's really only one season in Los Angeles anyway!
Actually I think it's from a Penthouse photo shoot she did when she was 19. She has all this stuff in the archives of her website, so that's why I know!
And actually Dita did used to have a drug problem (unfortunately), back in her "regular" stripper days. She talked about it in some...
I also think she is lying about her height in her book! When I met her at the book signing, she was maybe only two or three inches taller than me (I'm 5'2"), but she was also wearing really high heels. I'm guessing she's probably around 5'1" without them.
I haven't posted anything in this thread for ages as I've banned myself from Ebay! But I had to take a look a few days ago and stumbled across this cute little number (and actually won it!):
I won't actually get to see it or wear it for a few more months though, as I had it shipped to my...
I don't really sew, nor do I have my sewing machine in Southern CA, but I'd love to attend a beauty/makeup/hair class. I'd also definitely be interested in an informational class about vintage fashion.
Most of my vintage shoes are around 5 - 6 AAA. I LOVE that they made shoes so narrow back then. It's impossible for me to find narrow enough shoes nowadays.
I'm about a 6 in modern shoes, but often wear 6 1/2 or 7 to accommodate my orthotics or other weird things I put in my shoes to make my...
For a long time anything by Joanna Newsom would make me cry, especially "Sadie". I first started listening to her when I was going through a rough time and her music was just so beautiful. So for a long time after that I associated her music with sadness.
Now it's been awhile and I can listen...
On her website, if you join (which I have), she has tons more photos of her home. I think that actually might be her old home before the split with MM.
Mine take about 5 minutes to heat in the Netherlands (I'm probably going to blow a fuse) and only about 8 to heat up back home.
I miss using my Hot Sticks. I've had woefully straight hair the past couple of months because the humidity, wind and rain here just doesn't make it worth it to do my...
Since I posted earlier, my friend who worked there quit because she couldn't deal with working for them anymore. The owner definitely has very little character. She goes out of her way to personally attack competing stores, as well as her own models. She's a bad seed. If she sees me writing this...
Right now my favorite song is "When You Find Out" by the Nerves. It always gets me moving and singing along! It's just so catchy. "Temptation" by New Order also gets me groovin. :)
ShooShooBaby, I also LOVE "Get Up". That was one of my favorite S-K songs.
I heard that you're not supposed to bleach the hair more than 2x in one day. And you should wait a week between bleachings and do protein treatments in the meantime.
I haven't dyed my hair straight black in awhile, I've been going slightly lighter and lighter brown, so I'm hoping that this...
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