Those are really cute but I want something in denim that has the big buttons nearer the sides. I don't know what they're called though to be able to look for them.
Anyone have any ideas? I know you all know what I'm talking about.
Thanks LD for posting the pic for me.
And thanks for all the suggestions.
Grnidwitch, I know what you mean about the bobbies and snaekers and I like that look too. My friend (male) says there is something about tan legs in a skirt. White sandals would be pretty too.
My fabric is washed and...
I know No Nonsense makes some and they are great. The main reason I buy them is to keep my bare legs from chaffing in the summer.
They give some smoothness too and are very reasonalbly priced around $7 a pair.
They come in black and nude.
I got this pattern tonight. I was thinking about doing style A.
The fabric I bought is a similar color green with little white daisies on it.
What got me was the fact that it came in easy to sew AND plus sizes.
Even if I...
Sure you can. Just do what I do.
Stick it in the back of the closet and then when you do pull it out and hubby questions you,you look at him all innocent like and say you got it weeks and weeks ago (or even last season) on clearance.
Works every time.
Yeah in 96 when we decided I would stay home alot of my friends gave me crap about it. Like why do I waste my education ect. I was like, "I'm getting an education." I think they thought I was being lazy too but I worked harder in the home than I ever have out. And I had a hard time with paying...
I can relate to that. I always loved the look of Solar Nails but with my job I'm not allowed to have long nails acrylic or otherwise.
You're dress was very pretty.
Suzi Wong dress
So today I found a SW dress in navy and red for my daughter. She has been wanting one for so long. It's a size 8 and she is only 12 so she'd be like a 2 maybe? Anyway, it was only TWO DOLLARS! I had to buy it.
It was filthy but a little Woolite seems to have done the trick and...
Newbie here
Hi I'm Julie and I'm from Dayton Ohio.
I'm a civillian dental assistant at Wright-Pat AFB.
I've always loved the 40's look but have never had the nerve to do anything but wear a piece here and there.
I came here on a search for finger waves and pin curls as I have shorter hair...
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